Front Entrance of MHS

News - Details

A message from the Superintendent Update





To our MHS families:


I would like to wish everyone a joyful and restful holiday season and new year. We have had a busy year, and the time has flown by so quickly.  This time of year is sentimental and filled with love for family and friends. Each of the different holidays focuses on family and togetherness. As we approach the upcoming holiday season let us be mindful of the unique environment we find ourselves in this year. I ask that all of you continue to practice safe behaviors like social distancing, wearing a mask at all times and frequent handwashing if you gather with extended family and friends. If we all follow the guidelines and model safe behaviors this can be an enjoyable holiday season and a positive return to school in the new year. We are very hopeful that with the vaccine now becoming available and favorable metrics, students will be back in school soon.  How we handle the next several weeks will determine how we experience the second half of this school year.


I wish all of you peace and a very happy new year!


Please note that all D75 and D120 school buildings along with both district office buildings will be closed from Saturday, December 19 through Sunday, January 3. All will reopen on Monday, January 4.


Kevin Myers, PhD


Districts 75/120




To Our MHS Families:


At its Nov. 10 meeting, the D120 Board of Education determined that it would be best for our community if the high school remained on remote learning until the end of the semester on December 18. The metrics for our area continue to show a rise in COVID-19 cases which puts all of our MHS family at risk.

The Winter Break will begin December 19 and continue through January 3. The Board has directed that all staff will return to the building on January 11 whether or not we continue with remote learning or move into a hybrid model.   

The Board is also committed to continual evaluation of the remote learning model and incorporating ways to build on what is already being used.  Both the hybrid and remote learning models will be reevaluated on a regular basis to provide the best education possible for our students. We will continue to use a committee structure so the voices are heard from all the areas of our school.

You will be receiving a new survey in the near future for you to indicate your preference for the hybrid or full remote model of learning for your children. We understand that your preference may have changed since the last time you communicated with us.

We will continue to keep you informed as things develop. Please stay safe.



Kevin Myers, PhD
Districts 75/120




Our Metrics committee has been studying the COVID-19 numbers as reported by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the Lake County Health Department (LCHD). The numbers of cases and positivity figures will be used in guiding when or if students will be able to return to school. We are monitoring these figures daily and will make decisions about remote and hybrid learning accordingly.

To help with the understanding of the current numbers, or “metrics,” the committee is sharing graphs highlighting the most current information for our geographic area. Click on this to view the current metrics information on our website. We will update our specific information for D120 on a regular basis. 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we continue to monitor the daily status of the current COVID-19 metrics.

D120 Metrics Committee




Dear Mustang Community,

2020 has certainly presented significant challenges. In addition to the global pandemic, high rates of unemployment, and a rise in visibility of racial injustice, the presidential election has elevated tension, anxiety, and unrest among many individuals. In the midst of these uncertain times, we want to take the opportunity to reaffirm that you are a part of a community that values you as individuals, honors your varied backgrounds, and celebrates your unique strengths and contributions. 

At MHS we welcome and embrace people of all races, ethnicities, languages, sexual orientation, religious traditions, and gender identities. We take pride in our diversity. It is our differing perspectives and lived experiences that help unite us.

We are committed to providing safe and inclusive spaces for all students and families. Regardless of what happens beyond Mundelein High School, we expect empathy, compassion, and justice among all members of our school community. We are proud of each and every one of you. You belong at MHS. We are Mundelein Strong!

While the upcoming days and weeks may be full of apprehension and uncertainty, please know the staff at MHS is here to support you. Please reach out to us with any questions you may have.


Dr. Kevin Myers                            ​                         ​                         ​   
District 120 and District 75 Superintendent                                           
847-949-2200 x1269 
Sol Cabachuela 
Parent Liaison                          &​nbsp;                        &​nbsp;      
847-949-2200 x1210



To Our D75 and D120 Families:

It is my hope that you and your families are doing well coping with the circumstances we are all living through. Earlier today, the Governor announced that Region 9, which includes Lake and McHenry counties, is currently in mitigation due to an increased spread of the Coronoavirus Virus which poses increased risks for contracting the illness. Please visit this website for complete information:

 We must continue to be careful during this time of uncertainty and be sure to continue to observe the three W’s which include:

  • Wear a mask
  • Watch your distance
  • Wash your hands

As you know, we were making progress toward beginning a hybrid model to bring back groups of students for on campus learning. The current situation has caused us to put those plans temporarily on hold. We know that this will cause some disappointment for those families who were looking forward to having their children back in school. Please remember that this is a temporary setback and we are hopeful that we will still be able to begin our move to hybrid learning soon. Our staffs will continue delivery of our remote learning until then.

As a reminder, D75 and D120 will not have classes on Tuesday, Nov. 3. It is a holiday for the election.

In addition, D75 has no school for students on Thursday, Oct. 29, Friday, Oct. 30 and Monday, Nov. 2. (Oct. 29 and Nov. 2 are teacher work days).

Thank you for your support and we will continue to keep you informed.



Kevin Myers, PhD



To Our District 120 Families:


At this time, the data and the Lake County Health Department (LCHD) recommendations are guiding us to move into an Adaptive Pause and pivot to full remote learning. Mundelein High School District 120 will continue with the remote learning instruction that has been in place since August until the current spike in COVID cases has been contained. The spike in cases is also evident in the Mundelein community. The increased Incidence Rate will not currently allow for the transition to Phase Three Hybrid instruction.  It is very important for all of us to maintain vigilance during this time and follow the 3W’s:  Wear a mask, Watch your distance, and Wash your hands. Also, it is important for everyone to follow the strict guidelines to help prevent further spread of COVID-19.

While our goal at Mundelein High School District 120 has always been to have in-person learning at our school, we must also make decisions that ensure the safety of our students, staff and community. As a result, staff will not be required to return to the building on October 26 nor will students return to school on November 2.  Staff will continue to deliver instruction as they currently are.

Special Education students and Transition Center participants will not return to the building after Friday, October 23. In addition, study groups will no longer be able to meet in the building as they have been. 

Our committee’s decisions have been and will continue to be data-dependent. The Lake County Health Department recommends school use 7-day rolling averages to drive our decision-making. We apply District 120-specific data as those averages. We cannot predict the exact trend of the local community spread of COVID-19, nor will we try. Our decision-making is based on the best scientific data that we have available.

We will continue to keep you updated as we move through this process.



Please note these calendar updates:

  • Friday, Oct 23, PT conferences, no school for students
  • Wednesday, October 28 – Yellow Schedule for students (professional development for MHS staff postponed)
  • Tuesday, November 3 - Election Day - No School
  • Wednesday, November 11 – Yellow Schedule – Virtual Veterans Day Recognition during school day

Results from Hybrid Parent Survey

As of Monday, October 19, the results for parent choice to hybrid or 100% remote learning model is:

926 or 46% for 100% Remote

1092 or 54% for Hybrid

As of Wednesday, October 21, a return to a hybrid learning model has been postponed


Thank you.

Metrics Committee Members


Superintendent Message Update


I want to keep you updated on the current situation as we prepare to move to a hybrid form of learning within the next couple weeks. The Lake County Health Department (LCHP) is reporting that trends of COVID-19 cases and of weekly positivity rates are unfortunately going up. If this continues during the coming week, it is highly likely that schools will be encouraged to either remain on remote learning or to go back to remote learning for some of our special education students who have been present in our schools for several weeks now. The next couple weeks will be critical and I will continue to keep you updated as things develop.

Thank you all for your continued support as we make adjustments to our plans to educate our children and to also keep them safe.



Kevin Myers, PhD


Districts 75/120



To Our District 75 and District 120 Families:

This communication is to keep you informed about our considerations for moving to a hybrid form of learning for our students, which means a combination of at-home and in-school (remote and in-person) attendance. Both Boards of Education will meet in October to consider our options for moving toward the hybrid model. Following the guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Illinois State Board of Education, and the Lake County Health Department, we are preparing the in-person hybrid schedule with the health and safety of our students and staff remaining our top priority.

The administrations, unions and board committees of both districts are meeting regularly to look at all aspects of educating our students in the months ahead. It is important to emphasize that no matter what direction we take, remote, at-home learning will always be an option for those families who prefer that method.

Survey Coming Soon

In the days ahead all of our parents/guardians will receive a new survey to update your preferences for how you wish to have your children educated. Those options will continue to be at-home learning, or a hybrid form, which is a combination of on campus and remote learning. Please complete that survey in a timely manner so that we have the most up-to-date feedback to help us with our planning.

Target Date is late October/early November

If we go to a hybrid method, we expect to begin that in late October or early November. In the meantime, the high school is planning a trial method in the next couple weeks where we would open classrooms in a designated wing of the building and allow groups of 10 or fewer students per room to continue their learning by studying together. No formal instruction would take place.

Once again, please complete the survey as soon as you receive it so we know how our school communities stand on a future move to the hybrid method of teaching and learning or your preference to continue with the remote learning method. Thank you for your continued support.



Kevin Myers, PhD


Districts 75/120




To Our District 120 Families:


I am writing today to keep you informed about the direction of our learning environment as the school year progresses. The administration and union representatives will meet on September 15 to begin a process towards a return to in-person instruction. As time goes on, more and more families have expressed an interest in having students return to school in a hybrid model, which means a combination of in-school and remote learning.


The Board of Education will meet next on Tuesday, October 6, to discuss the idea of moving toward a hybrid model in the near future. The MHS administration is preparing information for that meeting based on discussion and research of area schools who are considering or who have already adopted a hybrid model for their students and staff.


Parents, staff and students will need to be surveyed in the next several weeks to determine the amount of support in our District for a partial return to in-school learning. Our goal is to provide a possible start date for the hybrid combination and to identify which student groups will return to the building first.


We are all looking forward to having our students and staff return to campus soon. As we continue to operate in this “new normal,” we will keep you updated on our progress toward reaching that goal.




Kevin Myers, PhD


Districts 120/75

Superintendent’s Message

The staff and administration of Mundelein High School are very pleased with how the first week of school via remote learning has progressed. Unlike last spring when we had to quickly adapt to remote learning, the staff was able to spend part of the summer and five days of intense preparation the week before the start of this school year. Eighteen staff members and community members led professional development sessions to help prepare our teachers to effectively engage students in robust remote learning. Staff members have commented about how supported they feel and how they are much better prepared for the upcoming school year. I am incredibly proud of how everyone is working together to ensure our students have the best possible remote learning experience this year.

During this first week of school with students, teachers have led a variety of relationship building activities to create positive classroom climates and peer-to-peer connections. Students are interacting with one another and their teachers in a virtual setting through both whole class instruction and small breakout groups.

As superintendent I am proud of how our own students, staff and administration are making our remote learning classes work. I appreciate the hard work and the adaptability that you are showing as we navigate through a successful opening of the 2020-2021 school year.

I want to specifically give a shout-out to all of our parents for supporting our efforts and truly making this a positive start to this very unique school year.

Let’s keep up the good work, and … GO MUSTANGS!


Kevin Myers, PhD


Districts 75/120

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