Procedures at Board of Education Meetings
Information Concerning Procedures at Board of Education Meetings
The Mundelein High School District #120 Board of Education meets once a month, at 6:30 p.m. at the East District Office.
The Board welcomes all visitors. Your presence is an indication of community interest in our school.
The Board follows an agenda, which is posted on the website 48 hours before the meeting. Copies are also available at each meeting. Extensive background material has been prepared by the Superintendent and has been distributed to Board Members prior to each meeting. This allows board members the opportunity of calling the Superintendent's office for clarification and additional information, and enables the Board of Education to act more quickly on agenda items than would otherwise be possible.
At each meeting there is an opportunity for individuals to address the Board. After the Board votes to adopt the agenda, the President will ask if any visitors wish to speak. Each visitor will be asked to state his or her name, and affiliation with any organization on whose behalf they are speaking. Each individual will be allowed a reasonable time to speak.
The seven members of the Board of Education are locally elected citizens who serve without pay for a four-year term of office. They are responsible for the educational program, as well as the facilities and grounds of Mundelein High School. The Board is required to conduct the school in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Illinois, the Illinois School Code, rules and regulations set down by the Illinois State Board of Education, and the rules and regulations which have been developed and adopted by this Board of Education.
The Board of Education is a policy-making body. It has delegated the administration of the school district to the professional administrative staff under the leadership and direction of the Superintendent.
2:230 Public Participation at School Board Meeting and Petitions to the Board 1
At each regular and special open meeting, members of the public and District employees may comment on or ask questions of the Board, subject to reasonable constraints. The individuals appearing before the Board are expected to follow these guidelines:
1. Address the Board only at the appropriate time as indicated on the agenda and when recognized by the Board President.
2. Identify oneself and be brief. Ordinarily, such comments shall be limited to 3 minutes. In unusual circumstances, and when an individual has made a request in advance to speak for a longer period of time, the individual may be allowed to speak for more than 5 minutes.
3. Observe the Board President's decision to shorten public comment to conserve time and give the maximum number of individuals an opportunity to speak.
4. Observe the Board President's decision to determine procedural matters regarding public participation not otherwise covered in Board policy.
5. Conduct oneself with respect and civility toward others and otherwise abide by Board policy, 8:30, Visitors to and Conduct on School Property.
Petitions or written correspondence to the Board shall be presented to the Board of Education at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
5 ILCS 120/2.06.
105 ILCS 5/10-6 and 5/10-16.