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MHS 2020-2021 Reopening Q&A

General Online Instruction Questions

Questions & Answers

When we start at 100% eLearning, how will freshmen students be acclimated?

We are committed to helping our youngest Mustangs transition to the high school successfully. In the time period that we are 100% eLearning, we will provide virtual experiences for freshmen to learn about all that MHS offers. 

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If we start a hybrid schedule later, but conditions worsen in Lake County and it is best to move back to a 100% e-learning schedule, would that e-learning then be live or pre-recorded? What is your contingency plan for returning to 100% eLearning?

While MHS is on a remote learning schedule, there will be a set class schedule, a component of scheduled instruction and offline work.  

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In 100% remote will grades be pass/fail?

No, grades will be assessed as they would be if the student was attending school normally.

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For the start of the school year, how are teachers going to get to know their students in a virtual manner?

Our teachers have been preparing for all possible scenarios for the fall, and part of the staff professional development has focused on strategies for building relationships and getting to know students via virtual activities.

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How will lab based science classes be handled?

Science teachers are working through options.  

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In the remote, eLearning plan, would the focus be on core subjects or would there be related studies added in as well?

All courses would be taught on a 100% remote schedule.

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How will learning be modified for classes that rely heavily on in-person communication/discussion, such as language classes and English classes?

MHS will be collaborating with other schools on discovering and creating best practices for all courses.

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What video program will be used for eLearning?

MHS will be utilizing Canvas as a Learning Management System, Zoom and Google Hangouts.


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1) Is the school year calendar the same? Or will it change since school is starting later this year? 2) Will there be virtual open house/curriculum night this year? Thanks in advance.

More information will come out in the coming weeks about the open house.  The date has changed and is noted on the posted calendar.

Refer to the following link for more information


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Questions about a future Hybrid plan Questions

Questions & Answers

If a hybrid approach is adopted later, will there be a change in start/end time of the day (given extra time may be needed to perform temp checks, etc)?

Yes, there will be a late start schedule and possibly a half day schedule to eliminate the need for lunches during the school day.

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If there is a hybrid schedule, will there be late start Thursdays?

Under this plan, every day would be a late start.

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If the school decides to go with a hybrid method, can a parent/student opt to do 100% e-learning?

Yes, parents/students have the option to select 100% remote learning for the fall semester.

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If parents have the option to keep their students 100% remote learning, yet the school recommends hybrid learning, how are you going to make sure those students who are remote learning don't have a disadvantage compared to those students who are hybrid learning?

It is likely that students who are participating in the hybrid schedule will meet with their teacher face to face once a week.  On the fifth day of the week, 100% remote learning students would have a virtual 1:1 learning time with their teachers throughout the day.

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Will students still rotate classrooms during the hybrid model?

Yes, students will rotate classrooms.

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If I choose to send my children to the hybrid schooling can they switch to 100% virtual at any time?

No, at this time the choice would be for the semester and a change can be made then for the following semester.

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Will the students be split alphabetically so that they are in school with their siblings?

We will make every effort to accommodate siblings and families during a hybrid schedule.

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Have you considered doing the hybrid schedule on a weekly basis vs. a daily basis? It seems that would provide more safety for students and staff.

Yes, this has been discussed but the concern is that the length of time away from 1:1 instructional time would cause too much disruption.

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If classrooms have too many students - what is the plan? If we have overcrowded rooms it increases the number of students who would have to be quarantined.

In a hybrid classroom, we would work to lower the number of students for each day to the lowest possible number.


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School Calendar and Time Questions

Questions & Answers

Has there been any discussion about possibly starting the school year a little later?

The school will now begin for students on August 24. The original start date was August 13.

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I heard that every day in school would be a late start. Is this true?

On a hybrid schedule, every day will be a late start day.

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Covid-19 Questions

Questions & Answers

How will temperature checks be handled?

Temperature checks will be conducted daily prior to a student or staff member entering the school building.

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How frequently will staff be tested for COVID?

Staff will not be required to COVID test. 

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If a teacher gets sick with COVID where they're no longer able to teach, how will learning be continued for that class?

The district will use a substitute teacher.

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How will you ensure substitute teachers are not exposing our kids to five other schools they were in during the past week?

Daily screening and temperature checks will be conducted.

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How will you contact trace?

Contact training will be conducted by the Lake County Department of Public Health or their designee.

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Will there be a mandatory 14 day quarantine for students who have travelled?


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Will sick students have extra time to make up work?


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Did you say you are going to let families know that my child has been in contact with someone who tested positive?

If a student contracts COVID, the families of the students in the class will be informed.

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If a child is sent home because of an elevated temp, is the return to school policy the same, 24 hours fever free?

No.  A student may return to school if he or she has not displayed any other COVID-related symptoms or has been fever free for 72 hours without medication.  

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Would you contact students if a classmate were to be tested positive? How quickly would you notify staff & students of the positive case?

Yes.  Immediately upon learning of the positive test results.

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What about space for co-teachers in a classroom? Will an additional teacher space be provided so teachers are not sharing a space?


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Masks Questions

Questions & Answers

Will masks be provided? If so, are students required to wear them or can they wear their own?

Yes, 2 masks per student and staff will be provided.  If students would like to bring their own masks, that is fine.  It should be a 2-ply cotton (or cotton blend) fabric face mask that covers nose and mouth.  We do not recommend bandanas.

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How will mask rules be enforced?

We will continue to educate our students on the importance of wearing a mask.  In order to be in school, students need to wear an appropriate mask.

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Are you still discussing the option of no mask in classrooms but everywhere else?

No. Students and staff will need to wear a mask at all times when inside the building. 

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Special Education Questions

Questions & Answers

If the opportunity is not there for face to face, what other options would be considered for those that need additional resources (IEPs)? Having the additional resources for students with IEPs is key but if they are not able to get the additional resources, will their work load be reduced or are there still conversations going regarding this concern?

Options will be reviewed by IEP teams.  Specific questions should be addressed to the Special Education administration and decisions are individualized.  Student accommodations may be amended in response to the student’s learning needs.

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Co-curricular and Athletics Questions

Questions & Answers

If classes are at school, but locker rooms are not usable, how will physical education be run?

Students will not change clothes, it will be a low impact more individual activity that will include things like yoga, frisbee golf, mindfulness training, etc. Strength and Conditioning will still do low impact training that will be body weight exercises and include social distancing. 

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Does this also mean that co-curricular, clubs or sports will also be remote?

We are waiting for direction from the IHSA for our athletic programming. If we are allowed to compete by the IHSA, Mundelein plans to participate in High School Athletics. Clubs and other programming may be virtual if we need to go that route. Please note that some programming can’t be done virtually due to the nature of what the club or program entails. 

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During the remote learning phase, how will classes such as strength and conditioning or other PE classes be conducted where equipment may be needed?

It would be completed with equipment that could be found at home. It would be an odd object or a lot of body weight training with material that everyone would have available to them. Our staff worked through this model in the spring with our PE students. Teachers and Students will have a platform that they can use and record themselves then upload the video of them doing the workout.

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Tech Campus Questions

Questions & Answers

On in person days, will transportation be provided to the Tech Campus if the student does not drive?


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What will Tech Campus look like this year?

As of now, Tech Campus will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for in-person learning

Tech Campus will have an eLearning day every Wednesday to allow for planning of lessons, meeting/teaching students through electronic means and a deep cleaning of the Tech Campus.

Students will focus on hands-on activities while at Tech Campus and the bulk of eLearning will be content knowledge and preparing for hands-on activities upon arrival at school.

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Will Tech Campus follow what MHS is doing or what CLC is doing? (i.e. if MHS is remote and CLC is open, which will the students follow?)

Tech will create their own schedule and be flexible with when all students from all schools go to Tech.

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Transportation Questions

Questions & Answers

How can you social distance with 50 kids on a bus?

Students may not be socially distanced on the bus so it’s critical students wear masks.

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Will they be allowed on the bus without a mask?

No, students need to have a mask on especially because students may not be able to be 6 feet apart.

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Will temperature be taken before students board school buses in morning?


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School Related Resources Questions

Questions & Answers

Will the library, assessment center, math lab, and other resources be open throughout the day? How will safety be maintained? How will these resources be available for students who are doing e-learning?

We plan to offer the services of the library, assessment center, and math lab, though these services will likely look different from in the past. For example, some services may be available only virtually in order to maximize services and safety.

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Will there be assigned resources to help with questions around assignments when the students are working remotely throughout the school day?

Yes. Teachers will have designated office hours with the purpose of providing more individualized support and answering student questions.

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Lunch Questions

Questions & Answers

Would off campus lunch be offered for all students or just upperclassmen?

MHS is considering offering off campus lunch to sophomores, juniors and seniors with parent permission.

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Would students be allowed to bring their own lunch? Particularly those with allergies?

Yes, students would be able to bring their own lunch.

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Is it actually safe to use classrooms for lunch due to allergies? How do we guarantee all allergens are removed before the classroom is used again? Why aren’t we considering 1/2 days to avoid the lunch issue at least to start? Build up to full days as it is determined to be safe.

Identifying needed policies for specific classrooms around allergens are specifically handled through the nurses’ office.   A Hybrid schedule which is ½ day with no lunch is still a consideration. 

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Next Steps Questions

Questions & Answers

When will the final decision be made about which model we will follow?

The final decision will be made and announced prior to July 31. The decision has been made to start the school year on August 24 with remote learning. We could move to a hybrid format later on, depending on the circumstances at the time.

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Misc. Questions

Questions & Answers

If we start 100% remote, is it possible to do a blended or back to the building if numbers change?

It is likely that if MHS starts 100% remotely, we would first return to a hybrid model.

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Money for parking passes is due on Monday. Will that deadline be extended based on the possibility of sharing spaces?

MHS is continuing with established parking deadlines.  

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Is there going to be student pictures taken

Yes, but not planned until later in the fall.  More information will come out via the weekly blog.


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