
Coexist Executive Board

Mundelein High School Coexist Executive Board Information

In its first year of existence, the roles on the Coexist Board at Mundelein High School will continue to evolve throughout next year. All board members, regardless of their role, are expected to be ambassadors for the Coexist program.  Students in these roles are expected to serve as examples for all of our students through not only their words and actions, but also their school etiquette, general attitude, and overall involvement in the program.  In pursuing one of the roles defined below, I am expecting students to adhere to the following set of values and expectations:

  • Responsibility through punctuality, following through with commitments, communicating with Mrs. Kolcz and making a marked effort to improve our club and its vision.
  • Dignity by using appropriate language, etiquette, social media behavior, and displaying self-motivation in our club.
  • Integrity through honesty with the advisor, oneself, and other students, regular attendance at school and in and out of school events
  • Compassion through sensitivity and acceptance of diversity, displaying kindness and encouragement to peers, and showing sympathy to others.


  • Primary line of communication between the advisor and the club. 
  • Official club representative at all necessary school meetings.  
  • Organizes and presides over monthly officer meetings
  • Works with the VP plan social events (at least 1 per semester) for all club students
  • Writes thank you notes to anyone who helps the club and gets appropriate signatures
  • Assists in developing activities for the annual Lip Sync Battle
  • Oversees the responsibilities of the rest of the officers


  • Assists the President as needed
  • Works with President to plan social events (at least 1 per semester) for all club students
  • Assists in developing activities for the annual Lip Sync Battle
  • Recruit new members.
  • Seeks ways to develop relationships with incoming freshmen in order to increase recruitment.
  • Primary goal of the VP is to improve the visibility of the club at MHS and help Updates bulletin boards in the school on a regular basis
  • Works with Mrs. Kolcz to build and increase social media presence on various platforms.


  • Files and maintains club attendance records and agenda slides
  • Takes notes at monthly club board meetings
  • Takes attendance at meetings
  • Assists Mrs. Kolcz in making sure our funding is tracked as the year progresses
  • Communicates with the school newspaper and the announcements to publicize club events. 
  • Takes photos at all club events and compiles on Google Photos in a timely manner