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Diversity Club

Diversity Club

Meeting time:  Mondays 8-8:35 a.m.

Advisor:  Mrs. Penuel

Our Remind: Text the message @seldiv to the phone number 81010 or enter @seldiv into the “join exisiting class” section in the Remind app.

The Diversity Club is committed to celebrating the unique identities, experiences, and perspectives of all students. We strive to create a welcoming school environment that promotes mutual understanding, respect, and empathy across racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Through educational activities, open dialogues, cultural events, and community outreach, we aim to challenge stereotypes, foster meaningful connections, and build a more inclusive school community where every student feels valued, heard, and supported.


The goals of Diversity Club include:

• Promote student empowerment

• Improve awareness of diverse issues and

• Make a positive impact in our community and the lives of its members

All current Mundelein High School students are welcome to join! 

Past Accomplishments:

• Fundraising for refugees throughout the globe

• Letter to admin team proposing school calendar updates

• Book clubs and movie nights

• Spring cultural picnic

• Poster campaign on mental health awareness

• Poster campaign on various forms of masculinity and manliness

• Hosted Cultural Fair to promote love of different cultures and cuisine



therapy dog
Comfort Dogs Brought in During Final Exams Week