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Economics Team

Economics Team

Meetings: Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. in Room A103

Advisor:  Andrew Hirshman

Executive Board


Background Information on Competitions

We are a competitive club that participates in two different national economics competitions. The FED Challenge is a competition for juniors and seniors where students analyze the U.S. economy and present their findings and recommendations to Federal Reserve Economists. In the past four years, we have won two state championships and won over $5000 in award money.

The Euro Challenge is sponsored by the European Union’s Delegation to the U.S. This competition strives to bring global studies alive for 9th and 10th graders from throughout the country. Students study the Euro and focus on economic conditions in one euro-area country. Last year we worked with slow productivity growth in Italy. Last year’s team won the Midwest regional competition in Chicago and qualified for an all-expense trip to the National Finals in New York City.


It is expected that all Economics Team members abide by the rules of Mundelein High School AND dominate any and all competitors, achieving ultimate world domination for the Mustang Nation.