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Voices Literary Magazine

What is Voices?

Voices is the Mundelein High School Literary Magazine that features student work in all written forms (poetry, non-fiction, short story, etc.) as well as all forms of artwork. All submissions are anonymously assessed on a rating system and the works receiving the highest recommendations will then be published in the magazine towards the end of the year. You can submit poems, short stories, lyrics/songs, academic papers, art, and photography.

Why join Voices Staff?

Students who are on the magazine staff choose the items that are published in the annual publication.  Our editors are a tight-knit, small group of students who enjoy reading and discussing art and writing.  Student staff members gain valuable experience in editing, layout, and conversing about art and writing.  Students can join at any time during the school year.

Meetings:  Thursdays @ 3:25 p.m., in Room A105

Diane Covert:
Meredith Teuber

See updates on our Instagram page: @_mhsvoices

Voices 18-19 Laura Garcia

Submitting to Voices

Remember, the work you submit must be original work and is in no way a form of plagiarism.

Students or their teachers can submit artwork or written work to Voices by sharing them via email to or by sharing them via the blue 

Share button on Google Drive to 

Complete this form:

Submission Guidelines

  • All written work must be typed
  • Please title your work
  • Art submissions can be submitted in a Google Doc or can be shared just as an image file.

Voices 16-17  Laura Garcia