Contact Us

Phone Numbers

Phone: 847-949-2200
Receptionist: ext 1200


Attendance (English): ext 1999
Attendance (Spanish): ext 1998
For any other questions: 847-949-2200 x1391

Fax Numbers 

Main Office Fax: 847-949-4756 
Business Office Fax: 847-388-4770
Athletic Office eFax: 847-388-4783
Special Education
     Office Fax: 847-949-5492

Frequently Called Extensions

Adult Education 1399
Advancement Center 1420
Athletic Director/Office 1340
Attendance (English) 1999
Attendance (Spanish) 1998
Bookstore/Payment Center 1235
Business Office 1228
College & Career Resource Center 1249
Dean's Office 1391
District Meeting Room 1155
Education Foundation 1354
Guidance and Counseling 1257
Nurse 1395
Pool Office 1345
Public Information 1552
Security 1410
Spirit Store 1005
Student Support Services 1257
Superintendent 1210
Technology 1300
Theatre Box office 1407

To contact a specific teacher or staff member by phone or e-mail, please use:

all-staff directory

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