
Angela Stanisz


Phone: 847-949-2200
Extension: x1146
Departments: World Languages, All Staff



Period 1 - Spanish IV Honors

Period 2 - Spanish 3

Period 3 -  Spanish IV Honors

Period 4 - OFF


BA-Spanish Language Education-Illinois State University

MA-Master of Arts in Teaching and Leadership-St. Xavier University


8 years at MHS


Be respectful.

Be positive.

Arrive on time.

Come prepared everyday.

Participate en español everyday.

Power Standards:

By the end of any World Language course, students will……..


·         Speak- Manipulate the language through speaking, using appropriate words and pronunciation. (State Goal 28)

·         Write- Demonstrate language proficiency through writing by using appropriate words and sentence structure in order to express ideas. (State Goal 28)

·         Listen- Listen to and derive meaning from a variety of authentic language sources. (State Goal 30)

·         Read- Read and interpret written texts to provide specific information for a variety of purposes. (State Goal 28)

·         Explore culture- Compare and contrast different aspects of world cultures. (State Goal 29)

La clase de español:

  • Daily homework will be reviewed everyday and is worth 5 points.  You are expected to have your homework completed  before you walk into the classroom. Remember it is extra practice for you to do at home. 

  • Projects will be assigned throughout the term; some may constitute a traditional form of assessment. 

  • Speaking will be assessed through exams and individual, group or paired activities.

  • Assessments will be administered on a weekly basis on relevant material covered in class.

  • Participation will be assessed in a weekly manner. Participating in classroom discussions and activities will help you build a stronger foundation and increase your knowledge and skill of the Spanish language. Learning a language is a fun process; so make sure you always come to class with a positive attitude. 


Helpful Links contains resources that YOU can use to learn more and practice.

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