Welcome to Mundelein High School

Welcome to Mundelein High School! We are very excited that you will be joining the MHS family. We are looking forward to assisting your student in making the important transition from middle school to high school. On Thursday, January 16, 2025, we are hosting our Class of 2029 Incoming Freshmen Night at Mundelein High School for both families and students. The program will include an overview of our academic programs, course placements, information on the day-in-the-life of a ninth grader, and extracurricular opportunities at MHS.
Both parents and students are invited to attend. Incoming ninth graders will meet with high school students to learn more about what they will experience as they transition to MHS. Topics such as classes, activities, athletics, and special events will be discussed. Students will also have an opportunity to ask questions about the transition to high school.
We ask that parents/guardians and students with last names A-L arrive at the MHS auditorium by 6:00 PM for a 45-minute presentation. Parents/guardians and students with last names M-Z should attend the 7:15 PM session in the auditorium. The presentation will be offered in Spanish in the cafeteria during both sessions. Spanish-speaking families can also use translation headphones for the presentation in the auditorium.
Following the presentations, we will host our Activities/Athletics Fair, where sponsors, coaches, and students will be available to speak about their respective clubs or sports, answer questions, and enlist future members. In addition, department chairs and other administrators will be available to answer any questions you may have about the transition to high school.
For more information about the transition to MHS, please visit the D120 web page under Incoming 9th Grade Parents(Opens in a new window).