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Class of 2020 drive-through graduation ceremony information.
6/25/2020 (Show Choir)
Dear Mundelein High School Show Choir Families,
We hope this email finds you well and you are enjoying the summer!
In light of the ISBE guidelines published this week, we wanted to reassure you that we are working through what the fall will look like for show choir, especially regarding the Show Choir Orientation and August Choreography sessions. Ben Schrank, our choreographer, has already taught two show choir camps virtually, and last week Mrs. Thompson was able to sit in on the experience to see how it worked. She was extremely impressed by the detail to which Ben taught in this new format, and it was reassuring to see how well the students learned the new choreography. Although everyone would love for it to be in-person and “back to normal,” we are working through scenarios like this to ensure that we have many options for whatever our back-to-school situation looks like.
Ms. Bellas and Mrs. Thompson are closely examining possibilities and talking regularly as new research becomes available regarding what is safe for our students. We are pouring over information from the American Choral Directors Association and the National Association for Music Education, and talking to our colleagues in the field. We are also closely monitoring a study from University of Colorado Boulder regarding aerosol transmission of the COVID-19 virus in order to determine additional appropriate safety protocol for singing in a musical ensemble.
Even though we anticipate that this school year will be quite different than past school years, we are optimistic and excited to find positive ways that every student in our Choral Department can receive a rewarding musical experience from the ensemble and the Mundelein High School Choir Program will continue to be a source of pride for our students and community.
We have always said that choir is a family, and in this time of so many unknowns, we are working hard to ensure that our singing family can be together in the safest way possible. We are anxious to be together again, to see the students’ smiling faces, hear their beautiful voices, and watch them shine on and offstage like they always have. We truly appreciate your flexibility, understanding, and patience, and we will communicate information to you as it becomes available.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Ms. Bellas and Mrs. Thompson
6/25/2020 (Band)
Dear Mundelein High School Band Families,
From our families to yours, we are thinking of you and hope that you are staying healthy!
The purpose of this message today is to update you regarding the Marching Band Summer Camps. Even though we do not yet have a solidified plan for the camps in July/August, the band directors and marching band staff are closely examining possibilities and talking regularly as new research becomes available
regarding what is safe for our students. As you might already be aware, the Mundelein High School Athletic Department is planning to resume in-person camps on July 7th with the guidance from the IHSA, North Suburban Conference and Mundelein High School Administration. The school district is putting in place
safety protocols to ensure that these camps are run in accordance with guidance from the CDC and IHSA.
In addition to the protocols that the school administration is taking for the sports camps, we are also closely monitoring a study from University of Colorado Boulder regarding aerosol transmission of the COVID-19 virus in order to determine additional appropriate safety protocol for wind playing in a musical ensemble.
Even though we anticipate that this marching season (and school year) will be quite different than past school years, we are optimistic and excited to find positive ways that every student in the Marching Mustang can receive a rewarding musical experience from the ensemble and the Mundelein High School Band Program will continue to be a source of pride for our students and community.
We are very aware that if we are able to have a marching band camp that the schedule will likely not be a normal 12pm-9pm rehearsal schedule as it has been in the past. However at this time, please continue to reserve those Band Camp times on your family calendars to better assist us with creating an enriching experience schedule. Thanks in advance for your flexibility.
Several of you are curious and want more information about when students can expect to receive school instruments from the school instrument inventory. Just this week, the band directors gained access to the inventory of instruments returned at the end of last school year. We will check those instruments in and hope to provide more information about instrument check-outs in early July.
Lastly, we see this Mundelein High School band program as an extended family for all of our students and their families. Our most important mission is to keep every member of our band family safe and healthy, and we plan to make decisions with safety and health as our number one priority.
All the Best,
The Mundelein High School Band Directors

The Illinois State Board of Education released a 60-page guidance document for schools regarding the start of the 2020-2021 school year. This guidance provides a clearer picture of what the school year will look like in terms of in-person learning, scheduling, transportation, social distancing, and safety and health measures.
This document was provided to school districts at the same time it was released to the general public. As a result, we kindly ask for your patience as we review the detailed guidance and integrate this information into our District’s return to school plan.
We will continue to communicate our efforts to plan and prepare for the school year with our staff and families and anticipate releasing our return to school plan in July.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and flexibility as we continue our work in building a plan that prioritizes the health and safety of our students and staff while maintaining a dynamic learning environment.
La Junta de Educación del Estado de Illinois (ISBE) publicó un documento de orientación de 60 páginas para las escuelas con respecto al inicio del año escolar 2020-2021. Esta guía proporciona una imagen más clara de cómo se verá el año escolar en términos de aprendizaje en persona, programación, transporte, distanciamiento social y medidas de seguridad y salud.
Este documento se entregó a los distritos escolares al mismo tiempo que se entregó al público en general. Como resultado, le pedimos su paciencia mientras revisamos la guía detallada e integramos esta información en el plan de regreso a la escuela de nuestro Distrito.
Continuaremos comunicando nuestros esfuerzos para planificar y prepararnos para el año escolar con nuestro personal y familias y anticiparemos la publicación de nuestro plan de regreso a la escuela en julio.
Gracias por su paciencia, comprensión y flexibilidad a medida que continuamos nuestro trabajo en la preparación de un plan que prioriza la salud y la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal, y a la vez manteniendo un ambiente dinámico de aprendizaje.
Dear MHS Community,
Thank you for your patience as the yearbook staff worked hard to complete the 2019-2020 yearbook via eLearning. A couple of the editors will also continue to work this summer on a one-page insert to cover some of the summer senior events, most importantly the drive-by graduation, for the book.
While we can expect the yearbooks and the inserts to be delivered to the school by early August, we are still working with school administration to figure out the when and how we will get these yearbooks into the hands of the students who ordered them. As more information becomes available, it will be shared with you.
Therefore, we appreciate your continued patience as we work to give you the best yearbook experience possible for an unprecedented school year.
The Yearbook Staff
Class of 2020 Students and Families,
I hope this message continues to find you safe and healthy! I continue to be thankful for the respect, resilience, and engagement you have provided us as we have navigated an emotional and challenging time for the past few months. Class of 2020, I am proud of each one of you and the strength you have shown.
Although the school year has officially ended, there are three important milestone events that we postponed with the hope that more time would improve our ability to hold these events. As we look forward to our two dates for Prom, Senior Honors Ceremony and Graduation in July, I need to update everyone on the decisions and alternative plans we have made.
What was and still is the most important part of the planning for our Prom, Senior Honors Ceremony and Graduation is that we follow the recommendations from the Illinois State Board of Education, State of Illinois, Illinois Department of Public Health, Lake County Health Department and law enforcement in regards to social distancing, group size, etc. to keep everyone safe. Below is the status for these events:
PROM: We have canceled any plans to host Prom this year out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our students and staff. Given current gathering restrictions and social distancing guidelines provided by the State of Illinois, the ability to have a dance is not feasible while maintaining a safe environment.
Student Leadership will be reaching out to the Class of 2020 with plans to hold a virtual Prom Court election.
SENIOR HONOR CELEBRATION: The in-person ceremony planned for July 8, 2020, at MHS has been canceled. With building capacity limitations given the anticipated social distancing guidelines in July, holding this event in the school building is not feasible.
Therefore, a commemorative presentation has been created and will be released at 10:00 a.m. on July 12, 2020. This presentation will be posted on the MHS website.
GRADUATION: The in-person graduation ceremony planned for July 12, 2020, at the Sears Centre has been canceled. After consulting with representatives from the Sears Centre and understanding their building capacity limitations given the anticipated social distancing guidelines in July, we know that having a graduation ceremony with graduates and guests is not feasible. We would have only been allowed to have our graduates in the facility and no ability to have guests in the arena. We determined this was not an option we wanted to pursue.
However, we have developed an alternate plan for graduation so we can still celebrate the Class of 2020 on July 12, 2020. We know that we have asked families to reserve the July 12, date on their calendars and want to be considerate of those that have made arrangements around this date. Waiting until then will also be helpful for us to confirm as many candidates in the Class of 2020 as graduates and make sure that we provide the support needed to those students that have been unfairly impacted by our transition to eLearning.
We have reviewed the alternative types of in-person ceremonies allowed by the Illinois State Board of Education. Based on those options, I feel that we have a great plan to provide a safe environment for a graduating class of around 480 students and provide a memorable event to creatively celebrate and honor Mundelein High School’s Class of 2020.
Class of 2020 Alternate Graduation Plan and Celebration for July 12, 2020:
Please be aware that we are still finalizing some details and timelines for July 12, and will provide more information the week of June 29. We will provide updates, timelines for the day, safety guidelines, and/or reminders for our alternative graduation plan so that we can work together to provide a safe environment for our graduation celebration. This is a summary of the events we are planning for on July 12, 2020:
- We will host a drive-thru “parade-style” graduation celebration on the Mundelein High School Campus between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to celebrate our graduates. Families will be allowed one vehicle per graduate and will be given a designated time frame (times communicated the week of June 29) based on their last name to help with traffic flow in our parking lot. We are planning for the following activities:
- Allowing our staff an opportunity to cheer on our graduates.
- Graduates have their photo taken in their cap and gown, honor cords, diploma etc.
- Graduates have their name read while “crossing a stage”.
- Graduates will have a professional photograph taken. Families will be given one free download of the photograph and the opportunity to purchase more photographs from VIP.
- We ask that our families take time to celebrate and honor their graduate(s) on this day in their own unique format at their residence and post on social media. #mundypride.
- The Class of 2020 Commemorative Graduation Video will be released on our website at 10:00 a.m. The video will remain on the MHS website until August 10, 2020.
- Photos and videos of graduates: As seniors have their cap, gown and tassels, MHS is requesting the following items from each graduate:
- A photo of the graduate in a cap, gown and tassels. The photo should be from the waist up.
- A video of the graduate tossing his or her cap into the air (should not be longer than eight seconds)
- If the graduate decorates his or her cap, please send a photo of the decorated cap and the face of the graduate.
- Submit photos and videos HERE!
- Submissions are due by June 20, 2020 (deadline extended).
I very much look forward to celebrating the Class of 2020 throughout the day on July 12, 2020, and appreciate your patience as we have navigated these challenging times.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you and As Always, Go Mustangs!
Dr. Anthony Kroll, Principal

To All Our Families:
I hope this communication finds you and your families well. These are certainly trying times and we are all working hard to provide an education and an environment that is positive for our students and staffs.
We are looking into various scenarios for our schools when the next school year begins. Our leadership team is meeting regularly to study options based on the information that we have now. We also understand that the Governor of Illinois and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) will have guidelines for the opening of schools and options for how we will best educate our children beginning in August. Know that we are looking at all possible ways to best educate our students in a safe and secure environment.
We expect to receive more information and clarity throughout the summer, we are considering three possible scenarios for the re-opening of schools in August:
Scenario 1: Means we are in Phase 5 and fully reopened in our regular daily schedule with enhanced health and safety measures. Given the information we are receiving from our medical partners, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the IDPH, this is not appearing to be a possibility.
Scenario 2: Means we are in Phase 2 or 3 and remain in a fully remote learning environment (similar to our experience from March 13 to the end of this past school year). We have been informed by our medical partners that given the probability of a “second wave” in new coronavirus cases in the fall and winter, we will need to move “in and out” of a remote learning environment at some point during the coming school year.
Scenario 3: Means we are in Phase 4 and reopen in a blended schedule, with approximately up to one-half of our students coming to school every other day or every three days in order to promote social distancing and other enhanced health and safety procedures. Scenario 3 is our most likely scenario in August given the current recommendations from our medical partners, the CDC, IDPH and the ISBE.
As we look ahead, we can plan on hearing more details throughout the summer from both the Governor and ISBE. We will look to their guidance in establishing potential reopening possibilities.
This has been a trying time never experienced by any of us before; however, by working together, maintaining flexibility and always keeping the education of our students in the forefront, we WILL get through this together.
Thank you so much for your continued support, hard work and communication.
Dr. Kevin Myers, Superintendent
Districts 75/120
A todas nuestras familias:
Espero que esta comunicación los encuentre bien a usted y a sus familias. Sin duda, estos son tiempos difíciles y todos estamos trabajando arduamente para proporcionar una educación y un ambiente que sea positivo para nuestros estudiantes y personal.
Estamos estudiando varios escenarios para nuestras escuelas cuando comience el próximo año escolar. Nuestro equipo de liderazgo se reúne regularmente para estudiar opciones basadas en la información que tenemos ahora. También entendemos que el Gobernador de Illinois y la Mesa Directiva de Educación del Estado de Illinois (ISBE) tendrán pautas para la apertura de escuelas y opciones sobre cómo educaremos mejor a nuestros hijos a partir de agosto. Sepa que estamos buscando todas las formas posibles de educar mejor a nuestros estudiantes en un entorno seguro y protegido.
Esperamos recibir más información y claridad durante todo el verano, nosotros estamos considerando tres posibles escenarios para la reapertura de las escuelas en agosto:
Escenario 1: Significa que estamos en la Fase 5 y que reabrimos por completo en nuestro horario diario regular con mejores medidas de salud y seguridad. Dada la información que estamos recibiendo de nuestros socios médicos, el Centro para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC) y el IDPH, esto no parece ser una posibilidad.
Escenario 2: Significa que estamos en la Fase 2 o 3 y permanecemos en un entorno de aprendizaje totalmente remoto (similar a nuestra experiencia desde el 13 de marzo hasta el final de este último año escolar). Nuestros socios médicos nos han informado que, dada la probabilidad de una "segunda ola" en los nuevos casos de coronavirus en otoño e invierno, tendremos que movernos "dentro y fuera" de un entorno de aprendizaje remoto en algún momento durante el próximo año escolar.
Escenario 3: Significa que estamos en la Fase 4 y reabrimos en un horario combinado, con aproximadamente hasta la mitad de nuestros estudiantes asistiendo a la escuela cada dos días o cada tres días para promover el distanciamiento social y otros procedimientos mejorados de salud y seguridad. El escenario 3 es nuestro escenario más probable en agosto, dadas las recomendaciones actuales de nuestros socios médicos, los CDC, el IDPH y el ISBE.
Mientras miramos hacia el futuro, podemos planear escuchar más detalles durante todo el verano tanto del gobernador como de ISBE. Buscaremos su orientación para establecer posibles posibilidades de reapertura.
Este ha sido un momento difícil nunca antes experimentado por ninguno de nosotros; sin embargo, trabajando juntos, manteniendo la flexibilidad y siempre manteniendo la educación de nuestros estudiantes como prioridad, lo superaremos juntos.
Muchas gracias por su continuo apoyo, trabajo duro y comunicación.
Dr. Kevin Myers, Superintendente
Distritos 75/120
MHS Parents and Students,
MHS students that will be returning next year will have the opportunity to return school property this Wednesday, May 20. School property drop-off for returning students will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The Class of 2020 will return property at a later date (May 27).
Class of 2021, 2022, and 2023 Drop Off
This event is designed to adhere to social distancing rules. The goal is to collect items without the student/parent exiting the car.
Drop off will be located in the North Parking Lot next to the stadium. Students/parents will enter the staff parking lot (west parking lot) off of Hawley Street and drive to the North Parking Lot.
Drop Off Logistics
Student/parent will place items to be dropped off in the trunk or back seat. When the student/parent pulls up to the school, staff will remove the items from the car. The student/parent should never leave the vehicle. Any school property left in school (classroom, locker, etc) will be returned for the student. Unreturned school property will be added to the student’s fees until it is returned.
Students/parents should return the following items:
· Textbooks (replacement cost)
· Library books (replacement cost)
· Classroom Library novels (replacement cost)
· Band instruments (replacement cost)
· Band and Choir concert dresses and tuxes (replacement cost)
· Band and Choir music folder and music (replacement cost)
· Other school property
o cameras ($500)
o Tripods ($10)
o Other (replacement costs)
Students/parents should not return:
- Chromebooks
- Athletic Uniforms
*Students that filled out the Google Form to pick up personal items at this time will still pick up at the front entrance*
If you have any questions, please email EMAIL
Thank You,
Mike Pope, Assistant Principal
Class of 2020 drop-off/pick-up Communication 5/15/2020
Date Change
The new date for the Class of 2020 drop-off/pick-up is Wednesday, May 27, between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. MHS needed to change the date as all the necessary components of the pick-up would not be ready until after the original pick-up date. Also, due to Advanced Placement exams, seniors were still in need of course materials and technology.
Class of 2020 drop-off/pick-up
This event is designed to adhere to social distancing rules. The goal is to collect and distribute items without the senior/parent exiting the car. However, if there is a need, seniors/parents will be required to park and come in the main entrance to resolve outstanding issues. Seniors/parents will need a face covering to enter the school building. Issues where seniors/parents need to come into the building will be MINIMIZED.
Class of 2020 drop-off/pick-up will be located in the North Parking Lot next to the stadium. Seniors/parents will enter the staff parking lot (west parking lot) off of Hawley Street and drive to the North Parking Lot.
Who May Attend
The senior/parent needs to attend this event to pick up materials. Materials will not be given to anyone other than the senior or the parent.
The student ID number will be needed to make this process as smooth as possible.
Senior/parent will not leave the vehicle unless there is an outstanding balance to be paid to the company that supplies the cap and gown.
Drop-Off Logistics
Senior/parent will place items to be dropped off in the trunk or back seat. When the senior/parent pulls up to the school, the staff will remove the items from the car. The senior/parent should never leave the vehicle. Unreturned school property will be added to the student’s fees.
Seniors/parents will be dropping off the following items:
- Textbooks (replacement cost)
- Library books (replacement cost)
- Classroom Library novels (replacement cost)
- Chromebooks and chargers ($200 Chromebook, $28 charger)
- Athletic uniforms and equipment (replacement cost)
- Band instruments (replacement cost)
- Band and Choir concert dresses and tuxes (replacement cost)
- Band and Choir music folder and music (replacement cost)
- Other school property
- cameras ($500)
- Tripods ($10)
- Other (replacement costs)
Pick Up Information
The Illinois State Board of Education has issued strict restrictions regarding school ceremonies in regards to no “person to person” contact. Therefore, MHS has adjusted to the Class of 2020 pick-up process. Seniors will be receiving multiple items that would have been handed to the student at a ceremony. Receiving these items does not mean the alternative July dates for events have been cancelled. MHS is only taking advantage of the opportunity to exchange items at one time in a controlled, safe manner.
Graduation Ceremony Update
MHS is contracting to produce a Class of 2020 Graduation video. As seniors will have their cap, gown and tassels, MHS is requesting the following items from each graduate:
- A photo of the graduate in a cap, gown and tassels. The photo should be from the waist up.
- A video of the graduate tossing his or her cap into the air (should not be longer than eight seconds)
- If the graduate decorates his or her cap, please send a photo of the decorated cap and the face of the graduate.
All submissions can be downloaded to this Google folder
The senior/parent will pick-up the following items:
- Note from Administration
- Cap, gown, tassels and cords (if money is owed for their cap, gown and tassels, cash will be accepted to receive the items)
- Diploma
- Diploma cover
- Senior edition of the student newspaper
- Senior Honors Ceremony Keepsake
- Graduation Ceremony Keepsake
- Awards or honor certificates from MHS
- Letter from the Mayor of Mundelein
Please email any questions regarding the Class of 2020 drop-off/pick-up event.
Thank you,
Dr. Anthony Kroll, Principal
UPDATED 5/7/2020
Clarification on details of the Friday Night Senior Drive-Thru:
-Cars will enter MHS at Midlothian Street and flash their headlights to get in!
-Students must remain in their cars.
-Student cars will be set in queue in junior (stadium) lot until ready for the procession.
-Cars must go slow but not stop.
-There should be no exchange of items between people.
-Family members are welcome with their students.
-The senior (east) lot is for staff only.
-Staff will be outside their cars in the senior (east) lot in chairs at the back of their cars or sitting in the open at the back of their cars or sitting in the driver seat.
-Staff would move students along if they try to stop.
-Signs and car decorations are encouraged!
MHS Seniors and Families,
As May begins, it is hard to think about the close of this school year without properly celebrating the Class of 2020. I appreciate hearing questions and reflections from many of you. MHS will always be your school and our goal will be to honor you and your four years of hard work.
This message is meant to inform you of additional end of the year information. Please continue to monitor your email as new information will be coming.
- Thursday, May 7 is the last day of senior attendance for MHS and Tech Campus if meeting graduation requirements.
- Senior MHS Google accounts will not be closed until September 1. This will allow seniors to continue to communicate with school staff as necessary during the summer.
- Friday, May 8, MHS staff will be hosting a Tribute to the Class of 2020 Drive By event. Staff will be lined up at the high school and students will be allowed to drive by to connect and celebrate the end of four great years! Directions and times will be coming later this week. Mark your calendar and check your email!!!
- The senior “drop off/pick up” event will occur on May 20. More guidance will come via student and parent email.
- At this event, seniors will drop off
- Textbooks, library books, Chromebooks & charger, athletic uniforms, band instruments - any school property
- Seniors will pick up
- Senior edition of school newspaper
- Cap, gown and tassels
As of last week, the governor and Illinois State Board of Education provided emergency modifications to the graduation requirements for Illinois students. These emergency modifications only apply to the Class of 2020 and expire at the end of July. I will be recommending to the D120 Board of Education to adopt these emergency modifications as local requirements for the Class of 2020. If adopted by the D120 Board of Education, the following requirements will be implemented:
- Lowering of core credit requirements by 0.5 credits
- 3.5 credits of English
- 2.5 credits of math
- 1.5 credits of science
- 1.5 credits of social studies
- Exempted physical education participation
- This is an overall reduction of 2.5 credits a Class of 2020 student is responsible for to graduate. The minimum amount of credit for the Class of 2020 would be 19.5.
- Exemption from
- Consumer education (economic & personal finance) requirement
- Participation in state accountability assessments
- Government and Constitution test requirements
- 0.5 credit of US History
On May 7, senior grades will be updated. Below are the grading policies teachers will use to assign senior grades.
- Seniors who completed the course eLearning requirements will receive a grade of A, B, C or D, which should be their March 13 grade or higher.
- Seniors have the choice of requesting a grade of “P” instead of a passing letter grade if they wish by one week after the end of the school year.
- Seniors who failed to complete any eLearning requirements and had a grade of A, B, C or D as their March 13th grade, will be assigned a “P” for passing.
- Because teachers lack sufficient evidence of learning to determine an accurate letter grade for the course, a grade of “P” (pass) will be assigned as the final course grade. A “P” does not affect a student’s GPA.
- If a senior wishes to receive their March 13th grade, that student must immediately contact the teacher to complete eLearning requirements prior to May 19th.
- Teachers who are assigning a letter grade of F on Thursday, May 7 must communicate this grade to the families ON or BEFORE Thursday, May 7. Seniors with a grade of F have from May 7 until May 19 to work on achieving a passing grade. If a senior does not raise the failing grade to a passing grade by May 19, the grade of F should be changed to a grade of “I” for incomplete.
- If a senior received a grade of “I” but does not need the class for graduation, the senior can
- Leave the grade of “I” on the transcript
- Change the grade of “I” to an “Au” Audit for no grade or credit on the transcript
Throughout the process of eLearning and grading, MHS has been focused on what is best for our students. This process has been a difficult process and takes a great amount of communication. In the end, our goal is to position a student properly for their next stage of education or career. Congratulations on the end of your senior year.
Anthony Kroll, Principal
Mundelein High School

Weekly Update from the Superintendent
As we approach the beginning of the last month of the 2019-2020 school year I would like to commend all our students and their families for working together during this very unique time in our history. Despite the restrictions on interacting in person with others you have embraced our e-Learning activities and are continuing to learn. I am very proud to be the leader of a district that takes its education and all that goes with that seriously. Please continue your hard work and enthusiasm for the final month of the school year. We are all in this together, and together we will succeed. Please see below for additional information and updates.
Mundelein High School named a U.S. News & World Report Best High School for second year in a row!
It’s official!: Mundelein Cons High School is a 2020 Best High School, based on rankings that U.S. News &
World Report published on April 21. Here is your school’s updated U.S. News profile page, with its new National, metro-area, and school-district rankings:
US News week district rankings

Two MHS technology seniors inducted into National Technical Honor Society
Corinne Corona and Joshua Bach, both students at the Lake County High School Technology Campus have been inducted into the National Technical Honor Society(NTHS). Corona is in the Early Education and Teaching II program while Bach is in the Automotive Service II program.
The National Technical Honor Society currently serves approximately 100,000 active members and nearly a million members since its in-ception in 1984. Awarding over $2 million in scholarships to date, NTHS honors the achievements of top Career and Technical Education (CTE) students, provides scholarships to encourage the pursuit of higher education, and cultivates excellence in today’s highly competitive, skilled workforce. For over 30 years, NTHS has been the acknowledged leader in the recog-nition of outstanding student achievement in career and technical education.
End of the 2019-2020 School Year
Important Dates for the end of the current school year are as follows:
Last day of school for seniors Thursday, May 7
Last day of school for students underclassmen Tuesday, May 19
*Senior Honors and Awards Wednesday, July 8
*Prom (online ticket sales begin May 1) Thursday, July 9
*Graduation Sunday, July 12 (evening ceremony)
*Above dates all subject to change based on any changes to the Stay at Home Order
Meals, donations continue to help our community
Items needed include: toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothpaste), feminine products, baby wipes, diapers, cleaning spray/cleaning wipes, macaroni and cheese, pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, jelly, tortillas, canned meats, canned vegetables, canned fruit applesauce, fruit snacks, granola bars, rice, beans (dry or canned) and condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise. Gift cards in ten dollar increments to stores such as Jewel, Mariano’s, Aldi and Target are also accepted. Donations may be dropped off at any time at The Chapel in Mundelein, at 1966 W. Hawley Street. There are weatherproof bins at the front of the entrance for donations. MHS continued to distribute breakfast/lunch every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to four locations in Mundelein.
Friday Night Lights!
Friday Night Lights is back for tonight. The stadium lights will be on from 8:20 to 8:40 pm. You are encouraged to turn on your lights and continue posting signs and other forms of support on your windows/doors for the first responders, clubs, sports, seniors, etc.
Have a safe and relaxing weekend!
Kevin Myers, PhD
Districts 75/120
Student/Parent Letter 4/23/2020
Please Read Upates
Students and Families,
Due to the extension of the Governor’s shelter-in-place order, we will not be retrieving personal items from students’ lockers until a later date. Thank you to those who sent an email to and made a request. We will still make sure you get everything you need, but we will not be gathering items and returning until a future date.
If there is something that you need (inhaler, glasses, medication, wallet) more than a typical personal item, please let us know at and we will make arrangements for you to pick up those items next week.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate through this time. Keep up with your eLearning, and more importantly, take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
MHS Families,
I would like to begin by thanking students and parents for their patience during this time of eLearning. It is difficult to create an eLearning system which addresses the needs of all students. Within the physical school, MHS has developed learning activities which are able to be differentiated and adjusted for the learning needs of all students. In short, nothing can effectively replace the learning which happens “face to face” in our classrooms every day.
At this time, I believe it is important to commend the MHS staff for the hard work they have done to continue the learning within the parameters provided by the Illinois State Board of Education AND work to stay connected with students. The MHS staff has accepted the challenge to continue the learning and has excelled in their work.
With the closure of physical, “face to face” schooling for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, there are many details which needed to be worked out for all students and parents. MHS will continue to make weekly updates to this list of details. Therefore, if a topic is not complete, it will be addressed in future weeks.
Continued questions may be sent to
Dr. Anthony Kroll, Principal
Mundelein High School
End of the Year Calendar Changes
- April 24 - Teacher Planning Day
- May 7 - Last day of attendance for senior students
- May 8 - Teacher Planning Day
- May 19 - Last day of attendance for underclass students
- May 20 - Teacher Planning Day
- May 21 - Teacher Planning Day
Pending Dates
- Senior “Drive Up/Drop Off” - Cap & Gown Pick Up (See Graduation section below)
- Prom Ticket Sales (See Prom section below)
Final Exams
MHS will not administer Semester 2 Final Exams this spring. Due to the stress placed on students during the physical closure of the school, we feel it is NOT in students’ best interest to be required to engage in any type of high stakes testing. Many students are engaged in projects and papers that are due at the end of the semester. These required assignments will still take place. However, students will not participate in any final exams at the end of the semester.
Book, Athletic Uniforms/Equipment, Band Instruments and Chromebook Return
- All 9, 10, and 11 grade students will not return any school property (i.e. library books, textbooks, athletic uniforms) until students return to school in the fall or for athletic summer camps. If students are leaving the district, arrangements will be made to collect these materials.
- All 9, 10, and 11 grade students who have school-issued band instruments will hold these instruments until school begins in the fall or at summer band camp. If students are leaving the district, arrangements will be made to collect instruments.
- Graduating Seniors students will return school property in May (the actual date will be in a future communication) in a “drive up/drop off” process. Without leaving their vehicles, students will drop off library books, textbooks, athletic uniforms, band instruments, Chromebooks and any other school property.
- Seniors will also pick up their graduation cap and gown, graduation tickets and senior edition of the school newspaper.
- At this time, seniors will not be able to purchase their Chromebooks.
- Social Distancing rules MUST be followed and only family members should share a vehicle.
- If seniors are unable to attend the “drive up/drop off” event, only a parent/guardian may participate for their child.
Hallway and Athletic Locker Clean Out
- Students will not be allowed to clean out their hallway or athletic locker. MHS staff members will empty all lockers. All MHS property (i.e. textbooks, library books) found in the lockers will be returned for students.
- Students who wish to retrieve personal items from their lockers should email with their request. An administrator will respond. STUDENTS DO NOT NEED TO COME TO SCHOOL TO CLEAN OUT THEIR LOCKER.
Senior Honors Ceremony, Prom & Graduation
These events are tentatively set and are subject to change or be cancelled depending on “Shelter in Place” orders. All dates communicated previously in June have been cancelled by the vendors. July dates are the earliest dates allowed at this time.
- The Senior Honors Ceremony is set for Wednesday, July 8 at MHS.
- Prom 2020 has been set for Thursday, July 9 at the Lincolnshire Marriott. Prom ticket sales will begin in May. When ticket sales are able to start, another communication will be sent.
- Students with outstanding service hours are eligible to attend Prom.
- Outside guests are allowed and will still need to register with the Deans. A form will be sent in future communications.
- Graduation for the Class of 2020 has been set for the evening of July 12, 2020 at the Sears Centre. When a time is given by the Sears Centre, it will be sent in a future communication.
Incomplete Grades and Grading
As previously mentioned, we will continue to update these subjects on an ongoing basis. Thanks for your patience and cooperation.
Technology Campus Attendance
The last day of Tech Campus for MHS seniors is May 7. All MHS underclass students will attend Tech Campus through May 19.
Message From Tech Campus
Please know as the Lake County Tech Campus navigates uncharted territory during this unprecedented time and school as we know it has changed, we are continuing to follow the remote learning recommendations from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). These recommendations may be updated with any additional guidance from ISBE or as new circumstances arise. The Lake County Tech Campus upholds the statement from ISBE that, “Underpinning these recommendations is the need for resilience, critical and creative thinking, thoughtful responsiveness, and empathy to help ensure that students continue to grow personally, academically, and linguistically.”
Here is what we can all be sure of:
- Students will be provided educational learning opportunities through the end of the school year (May 27, 2020). Instructors will send daily or weekly emails explaining the opportunity to students, as well as be available during regular work hours via email or potentially video conferencing for student questions. We understand that this does not replace the hands-on learning that our students receive when they are in school.
- Students should continue to make every effort to complete these assignments as they will continue building upon the knowledge gained during our first three quarters of the school year.
- Per direction from ISBE, student grades were frozen as of March 16. Any work done during remote learning will be used to improve students' grades. Students are encouraged to work on improving their grades.
- Current grades can be accessed in the PowerSchool portal located on the Tech Campus website. Students are also expected to do a daily eLearning check-in through google classroom.
- While high school credit will be earned during this time, students enrolled in dual credit with the College of Lake County must work on completing any necessary assignments in order to obtain dual credit. If there are any concerns regarding the completion of work, please reach out to the course instructor.
- Under the Illinois State Board of Education guidelines for Remote Learning Days, school district staff can use up to five school days to work on Remote Learning Day Plans. At the Lake County Tech Campus, we plan to use the five school days beginning May 20, 2020, through May 27, 2020. Students will not receive any new assignments during this time. These days will serve as an opportunity for the students to catch up on schoolwork and learning activities before the end of the school year and give our instructors an opportunity to close out our year and prepare for the next.
- On May 25, 2020, The Lake County Tech Campus will observe Memorial Day. Students will not receive any assignments on this day.
Change in school calendar for the 2020-2021 school year
The start and end dates for the 2020-2021 school year have not changed at this time. If there is a need to change any dates for the next school year, this would occur later in the summer and MHS families will receive a communication regarding this change.
MHS Summer School 2020 and Extended School Year details
MHS Summer School 2020 has been changed to an eLearning format. All instruction will be done online. Registration will open May 1. The published dates will remain in effect published at
There will be a reduced offering of courses in MHS Summer School 2020.
- Health will be allowed for all students as a “get ahead” or “credit recovery” course.
- Credit recovery courses offered are Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Biology, Earth Science, World Studies and English.
Driver Education
Driver Education during MHS Summer School 2020 will not be opened for new students. We currently do not know when the “Shelter in Place” order will be lifted and in-person instruction may resume. However, our goal would be to complete the Behind the Wheel (BTW) instruction for Semester 2 students in the month of June. We will work to complete the hours from the oldest students to the youngest. It is our intention that every student will complete the BTW instruction at the school with their BTW instructor.
If possible, Driver Education will be opened for new students later in the summer. Students will be allowed to register but students will be selected by age (oldest to youngest). Continue to watch the MHS Summer School webpage for any updates.
Extended School Year
Extended School Year services will be held June 9 - July 2, Monday through Thursday only. More information will be provided at a later date on the details regarding Extended School Year.
Spring Athletic Season (including team banquets & senior athlete recognition)
IHSA has cancelled the spring state series. The North Suburban Conference schools and other local schools are cancelling the spring sport season based on the press release from IHSA.
MHS will work to host a celebration of spring and winter sport teams as soon as “Shelter in Place” restrictions are ended.
Athletic Summer Camps
Athletic Summer Camps have been suspended by the IHSA until further notice. Continue to monitor the Athletic Camp webpage for more information.
MHS Students and Parents,
Likely, with the closure of the physical school year, each of you may have many questions about how the end of the year will occur. You may be wondering about these type of questions:
- End of the year calendar dates including the last day of school for seniors and underclass students
- Summer School and Extended School Year details
- Spring Athletic season including team banquets and senior athlete recognition
- Athletic summer camps
- Hallway and athletic locker clean out
- Textbook, Library book and Chromebook return
- Senior Honors Ceremony, Prom & Graduation
- Final exams, incompletes and grading
The building leadership team is working on these details and plans to have an update for staff, students and parents by Thursday this week. Some updates may be coming after Thursday but many will be defined this week.
Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Kroll
Weekly Update from the Superintendent
The Governor of Illinois has extended the closing of school buildings through the end of the school year. This means that we will continue with our e-Learning and appreciate the hard work that our students and staff are doing every day. Please keep up your enthusiasm for education as we inch closer to the close of the 2019-2020 school year. Important information is listed below:
Friday Night Lights tonight!
Mundelein High School will host a “Friday Night Lights” event on Friday, April 17, from 8 to 9 p.m. at the athletic field and throughout the community. From 8 to 9 p.m. the athletic stadium lights will be turned on in support of students and community groups. Residents may participate by turning on their front porch lights and even posting a sign on their front doors or windows if they would like. Students, parents and community members are welcome to put their jerseys, uniforms, any MHS spirit wear, photos, etc. on their front doors or windows as well to show support for the many groups listed below.
Administrators will dedicate each of the four light posts to different groups through social media. The dedications will include:
Pole #1 – First responders, doctors, nurses, scientists working to keep everyone healthy
Pole #2 – Mundelein community for being resilient and caring for each other during this crisis.
Pole #3 – All MHS athletes, band, choir, theatre, art students, clubs and activities. We are missing and craving to see all of your performances and events!
Pole #4 – MHS Class of 2020. You are a special group of students. We are sorry your academic, athletic and extra-curricular events have been cut short but your impact on society is just beginning. We miss you!
“The COVID-19 Virus may have stolen our spring school year from us, but it won’t diminish our support for all MHS students,” said Anthony Kroll, principal. “Join us on Friday, April 17, for Friday Night Lights!”
Students and adults should not go to the high school during that time. Continue to practice social distancing and stay safe.
MOD Pizza Makes Donations; bi-weekly food distributions still needs donations
MOD Pizza of Mundelein recently donated 40 pizzas to staff who are coordinating the bi-weekly lunch box donations. However, staff donated those pizzas to the community making use of the food deliveries. Mundelein School Districts 75 and 120 have teamed up to provide food to families in need during this time. In addition to providing remote lunch and breakfast meal service at select locations on certain dates, the districts are also preparing food boxes for families in need. Thanks to the generous donations of those in our community, the districts have been able to provide bi-weekly deliveries to families with children in the Mundelein and neighboring school districts of 73, 75, 76, 79 and 120. |
Items needed include: toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothpaste), feminine products, baby wipes, diapers, cleaning spray/cleaning wipes, macaroni and cheese, pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, jelly, tortillas, canned meats, canned vegetables, canned fruit applesauce, fruit snacks, granola bars, rice, beans (dry or canned) and condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise. Gift cards in ten dollar increments to stores such as Jewel, Mariano’s, Aldi and Target are also accepted. Donations can be dropped off at any time at The Chapel in Mundelein, at 1966 W. Hawley Street. There are weatherproof bins at the front of the entrance for donations.
My Pantry Express, Northern Illinois Food Bank provide food for those with transportation
Prom and Graduation
We know that Prom and Graduation are on the minds of our students and their families. We are continuing to explore ways to hold these events in June or July. Depending on how things develop in Illinois in the coming weeks, we may be looking at other alternatives. We will keep you updated as things progress.
Student groups collect funds for food purchases
Mundelein High School students from the SALT and Student Leadership groups collected $1,225 to use to help families in need. They collected funds through various means, including at Aldi, wearing protective masks to serve as role models. Student participants included Damia Ali, Ella Brandt, Dillon Blake, Sahil Patel and Jennifer Lopez. The students are so grateful for the community support and are thankful they can help, even if in a small way. The group donated $400 toward this week's food deliveries and will use the remaining funds for the next few week's deliveries. Donations for the project are still appreciated and can be dropped off at The Chapel, at the intersection of Hawley St. and Route 83. |
2020 Census Reminder:
The Census information may now be completed online. By doing so, no one will come to residents homes. This makes the online method by far the easiest way to complete this. It is extremely important to complete the Census as it determines funding for statewide programs as well as congressional district assignments. Everyone should receive Census information in the mail. Forms are available online as well; and
Have a great weekend!
Kevin Myers, PhD
Districts 75/120
Friday Night Lights to focus on school/community

Mundelein High School will host a “Friday Night Lights” event on Friday, April 17, from 8 to 9 p.m. at the athletic field and throughout the community.
From 8 to 9 p.m. the athletic stadium lights will be turned on in support of students and community groups. Residents may participate by turning on their front porch lights and even posting a sign on their front doors or windows if they would like. Students, parents and community members are welcome to put their jerseys, uniforms, any MHS spirit wear, photos, etc. on their front doors or windows as well to show support for the many groups listed below.
Administrators will dedicate each of the four light posts to different groups through social media. The dedications will include:
Pole #1 – First responders, doctors, nurses, scientists working to keep everyone healthy.
Pole #2 – Mundelein community for being resilient and caring for each other during this crisis.
Pole #3 – All MHS athletes, band, choir, theatre, art students, clubs and activities. We are missing and craving to see all of your performances and events!
Pole #4 – MHS Class of 2020. You are a special group of students. We are sorry your academic, athletic and extra-curricular events have been cut short but your impact on society is just beginning. We miss you!
“The COVID-19 Virus may have stolen our spring school year from us, but it won’t diminish our support for all MHS students,” said Anthony Kroll, principal. “Join us on Friday, April 17, for Friday Night Lights!”
*Students and adults should not go to the high school during that time. Continue to practice social distancing and stay safe.
Weekly Message from the Superintendent:
To Our MHS Families:
I hope this message finds everyone healthy and well. As we take a long weekend break from studies some of us will be observing Easter and Passover. Let this be a time for both reflection and family time as we appreciate our educational successes and look ahead to completing the school year. We are experiencing many positives despite the unique circumstances we are working under this year. Updated information for the school year is listed below.
Important April Dates
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14 and 15 will no longer be testing days but will be student and staff attendance days with e-Learning taking place. Friday, April 24 will be a Remote Learning Planning Day with non-attendance for students.
Prom/Graduation rescheduled
Because of the governor’s Stay at Home Order, many activities including Prom and Graduation have been tentatively rescheduled. As of now we have June dates open for both Prom and Graduation. However, if the Stay at Home Order continues into June, we also have tentative dates for both of those events to take place in July. We will provide specific dates once we know which month we will be able to have those events.
Support MHS Athletes with Friday Night Lights!
The COVID-19 Virus may have stolen our Spring Athletic Season from us, but it won’t diminish our support for all MHS athletic teams! Join us on Friday, April 17, for Friday Night Lights! From 8 to 9 pm the athletic stadium lights will be turned on in support of all our teams. Residents are asked to participate by turning on their front porch lights and even a sign on the front door if they’d like. Athletes and non-athletes alike are welcome to put their jerseys, uniforms, any MHS sportswear, signs, photos, etc. on their front doors as well to show support for all sports at MHS. Let’s all enjoy showing our support.
Please do not come to the high school during that time. Continue to practice social distancing and stay safe. Go Mustangs!
MHS accepting nominations for the 2020 Distinguished Alumni Awards
Now through Sunday, April 26 is the time to nominate graduates for the Distinguished Alumni Awards for 2020. If you or a graduate you know meets the following criteria, we invite you to complete the
nomination form:
· Nominees must have graduated from Mundelein High School at least 10 years prior to induction year.
· Nominees must have excelled in chosen profession, community service, civic involvement, etc. There is no one set criteria for what “excelled” includes, but we look for tenets of our core values of equity, growth, and collaboration. The selection committee will make the final decision for induction.
· A nomination form must be completed for a nominee to be considered.
· Anyone may nominate and alumni may also nominate themselves.
- Deceased alumni may also be nominated.
Click here for Nomination Form
2020 Census Reminder:
The Census information may now be completed online. By doing so, no one will come to residents’ homes. This makes the online method by far the easiest way to complete this. It is extremely important to complete the Census as it determines funding for statewide programs as well as congressional district assignments. Everyone should receive Census information in the mail. Forms are available online as well at and
Kevin Myers, PhD
Districts 75/120
MHS eLearning Survey Information
Student email:
Hello Mustang nation!
We hope you are staying healthy and successfully navigating eLearning. We realize this is an incredibly stressful time for you and your families. The MHS staff wants to make sure we are supporting you with what you need to get through this challenging time. Please take a few minutes to complete this student survey about eLearning and your well-being. We will use the information from the survey to improvements to our eLearning program and to provide you with resources you need to maintain a positive stress level and stay healthy. We ask that you complete the survey by Wednesday, April 15th.
Link to student survey
Parent email:
Hello MHS parents and guardians,
We want to ensure we are supporting your students during this very stressful and uncertain time. Please take a few minutes to provide feedback on your students' eLearning experiences and their current well-being in the survey at the link below. We want to make sure our students are feeling connected and maintaining reasonable stress levels. We will use your feedback to make improvements to our eLearning program and provide resources you may need to support your students while our building doors are closed. We ask that you complete the survey by Wednesday, April 15th.
Link to parent survey

Subject: MHS Spring Calendar and Activities Update
MHS Students and Parents,
On behalf of the staff of Mundelein High School, I trust each of you is doing well. Personally, I really miss having the energy and life in the building, especially in the spring! All students should be receiving emails each Monday regarding the course work for the week with the expectation of completion. In addition, students may feel stressed under the current situation. Please visit for ideas of how to navigate these stressful days. It is critical that learning not cease but that students feel supported during these times.
As MHS starts the third week of eLearning, I want to update the school community on the calendar for the month of April and spring activities.
2020 Calendar Updates
Here are a few updates regarding our calendar.
- April 10 – Non Attendance Day for students & staff. There is no expectations for students or staff on this day.
- April 14 & 15 – These are student (ALL students) and staff attendance days. We will not be testing but eLearning will continue.
With the implementation of Remote Learning Days by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), every school is offered 5 Remote Learning Planning Days (RLPD). These days are days where school staff are working but they are non-attendance days for students. The purpose of RLPD is to allow staff planning of how to implement eLearning. The days may only be used between March 30 and June 30.
Since on-site learning will not happen until after April 30 at this point, I will share the dates of when MHS will be using Remote Learning Planning Days in April. If schools are closed after April 30, I will update students and parents with more information of how these days will be used. This information is subject to change at any time due to decisions of the state government and ISBE.
- April 9 Remote Learning Planning Day – Non Attendance day for students
- April 24 Remote Learning Planning Day – Non Attendance day for students
Last day for students will be announced at a later date. Graduation will likely be in June, therefore, the remaining days of the school year will be available for seniors who need additional time to meet graduation requirements.
Spring Activities
Due to the governor’s executive order of March 16, 2020, Spring Athletics, Senior Honors Ceremony, Prom and Graduation were suspended. As we approach the end of the month, we anticipate hearing about a truncated spring season. Either way, it is our intent to honor senior athletes in each spring and winter sports at some time during the truncated season or during the summer months.
Alternative dates have been planned with the outside venues for Prom and Graduation. Our intent is to hold these events until we are instructed not to hold the event. Therefore, we have set a tentative date in June for both events. If these dates are cancelled due to a continuation of the governor’s executive orders, MHS will use the tentative July dates for these events. It is imaginable that these dates may conflict with other family commitments, however, it is my hope that providing this information in advance will assist families in their planning.
- Friday, June 12 – Prom @ Lincolnshire Marriott
- Thursday, June 18 – Graduation Cap & Gown Pick up @ MHS
- Thursday, June 18 – Senior Honors Ceremony @ MHS
- Sunday, June 21 – Graduation @ Sears Centre
If these events are unable to be held in June, we have a “soft hold” on these dates in July. This information may change due to MHS, the venue, the state or ISBE.
- Thursday, July 9 – Graduation Cap & Gown Pick up @ MHS
- Thursday, July 9 – Senior Honors Ceremony @ MHS
- Saturday, July 11 – Prom @ Lincolnshire Marriott
- Sunday, July 12 – Graduation @ Sears Centre
Stay Healthy,
Dr. Anthony Kroll, Principal
Friday Message from the Superintendent:
To Our MHS Families:
School is now in session through e-Learning and it’s great to see students and teachers actively engaged in the educational process. We will continue to keep you informed as we navigate through the coming months. Several items of importance are listed below:
Early Registration Deadline Extended
Registration for the 2020-21 school year continues. Please note that May 1, is the deadline for Early Bird Discount rates. The Early Bird Discount applies to all registrations that are fully completed by the May 1, deadline. Families may complete registration online or forms may be dropped off at the District 75 Office located at 407 N. Lake St. in Mundelein.
Non-Attendance Days for Students
Between now and the end of the school year there are five days scheduled as non-student days and e-Learning activities will not take place on those days. They are:
- April 9 Remote Learning Planning Day – No student participation
- April 10 Non-Attendance Day – No student participation
- April 24 Remote Learning Planning Day – No student participation
- May 7 Remote Learning Planning Day – No student participation
- May 20 Final Day of School for students
- May 21 Final Day for staff – No student participation
Spring Activities
From Dr. Anthony Kroll, Principal: Many students and staff are disappointed that spring sports and activities are questionable right now. There are many different events of concern: spring athletics including senior recognition in each sport, the theatre department musical, band and choir concerts, prom, specific course events, senior honors ceremony, and graduation, among others. The goal of the MHS staff is to hold as many events as possible. MHS is currently working with vendors, venues and calendars to keep as many student spring activities and events.
2020 Census Reminder:
The Census information may now be completed online. By doing so, no one will come to residents homes. This makes the online method by far the easiest way to complete this. It is extremely important to complete the Census as it determines funding for statewide programs as well as congressional district assignments. Everyone should receive Census information in the mail. Forms are available online as well at and
Stay tuned for regular updates from the District each Friday and any special news that might come up in between.
Food Distribution
The district continues to deliver breakfasts and lunches each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to the set locations in Mundelein. Hours are 12 noon to 1 p.m.
Staying Safe
Thank you to all of our students, families and staff for your positive approach to the e-Learning format. We all need to continue to protect ourselves by following the guidelines regarding personal space, handwashing, covering a cough or sneeze and taking care of each other. We are Mustangs … that’s what we do.
Kevin Myers, PhD
Districts 75/120
e-Learning continues; lessons may be video recorded
We are continuing our e-Learning to educate our students during the Stay at Home order. Many of the lessons are delivered through video conferencing with such programs as Google Hangouts, Zoom or others. We want to remind you that these video meetings/lessons may be video recorded. Students will be notified by the teacher at the beginning of class if the online instruction will be recorded. For additional information regarding student privacy, please reference the Acceptable Use provision of the Student Use of Technology Guidelines.
District 120 eLearning Days- COVID-19 School Closures
Frequently Asked Questions for Parents and Students
Please see our eLearning webpage or email us at with any questions about our school closure.
How will my student’s attendance be taken?
How will my student know which assignments to do each week?
On Monday mornings, teachers will email both students and parents by 9:00am.
Teachers will explain the assignments for the week or identify the location where students can find the assignments (Canvas, Google classroom, etc). Weekly eLearning will include 2-3 shorter assignments or 1 longer assignment. Assignments should take students an average of 30 minutes to complete per course, per day. Additional “homework” will not be assigned.
Teachers will provide assignment due dates in their communication to students and parents.
In the email each week, teachers will share times throughout the day that they will be immediately available. Additionally, teachers will be checking email periodically throughout the school day (7:45-3:25).
What are the expectations of my student?
- The district’s expectation is that students, to the extent they are able, should make good faith efforts to engage in their school work during the closure. Completion of eLearning assignments is required for course credit.
- Students are expected to complete and submit the eLearning assignments each week to their teachers by the expected due dates. Due dates may be extended for students with extenuating circumstances or IEP and 504 plans.
- Students will receive feedback from their teachers on those assignments.
- eLearning assignments will be recorded in Powerschool so parents and students can track academic progress during our school closure.
Does my student have to be online and complete the eLearning assignments during the hours of the traditional school day (7:45 am-3:05 pm)
- No. To the extent they are able, students should log into their school email each day, but are not required to be online for any particular course at any specific time of day. Students may work at their own pace, and at any time of day, while still submitting assignments by the due dates provided by their teachers. Teachers may provide live instruction for students during the school closure, but that instruction will be recorded and made accessible to students at a later time.
New: How will the grading system work during the school closure?
- Students’ current grade in a course as of our last school attendance day (March 13th) will be maintained, or can be improved, provided the student demonstrates continued engagement and ability at a passing level after the transition to eLearning.
- Teachers may offer opportunities for students to make up missing work to improve grades earned before the school closure date of March 13th. This is another way students can work to improve their grades in addition to completing eLearning assignments.
- eLearning assignments that have not been attempted by students will appear as missing work (M) in Powerschool, not as a zero. Teachers and counselors will reach out to students and parents to inquire why they have not attempted to complete their eLearning assignments.
New: How will final second semester grades be determined?
- Students who do not complete eLearning assignments at a passing level may be assigned a grade of incomplete. A significant amount of unsubmitted eLearning work could result in a grade of incomplete (I) until the student submits the necessary eLearning work to teachers. Completion of the eLearning assignments is required to earn course credit for the semester.
- Teachers will compare the student’s letter grade at the end of the semester to the letter grade as of March 13, 2020. If the end of semester letter grade is lower, the teacher will change the grade back to the March 13th grade, provided the student has participated in eLearning work. If the end of semester letter grade is the same or better, the student will receive that grade.
- If a student’s grade is an “F” at the end of the semester, the grade will be changed to an incomplete. These students will be required to submit assignments and assessments at a passing level in order to receive a final grade for the course.
- Students can choose to convert the second semester letter grade of a course to a Pass (P) within a week of semester grades being issued. A Pass (P) grade does not affect a student’s GPA, but does earn credit for the course. On the student’s high school transcript, the course name will be listed with a “P” for pass. We will provide more communication on how to choose this option at a later date.
New: How does the school closure affect my senior student for graduation?
- In order to earn a Mundelein High School diploma, students must complete all MHS graduation requirements.
- Seniors’ grades as of March 13th will be maintained or can be improved during eLearning days.
- Seniors can work with their teachers to redo or reassess work completed on or before March 13th.
- We encourage students to continue to engage in the eLearning work. Grades from these assignments and assessments can help improve the overall second semester grade.
- Seniors who were failing a required graduation course as of March 13th should work with their teacher and counselor to submit course work at a passing level.
What if my student’s technology isn’t working?
My child has an IEP, 504, or other related services. How will they receive their accommodations?
- Teachers will make modifications necessary to support students who need alternative learning experiences or additional support for the eLearning course work.
- Jamie DiCarlo, Assistant Superintendent of Students Services (, or Kim Goldberg, Department Chair of Special Education (, can be contacted with questions regarding accommodations.
How does the school closure affect Driver Education?
- Per the IL State Board of Education, the classroom portion of a driver education program may be completed through eLearning, but the 6-hour behind the wheel portion of driver education programs must be suspended for the duration of the Governor’s mandated school closure as schools are closed to onsite instruction.
Will my student take the spring SAT or PSAT exams?
- No, the SAT and PSAT exam administration scheduled for April is cancelled. Current juniors will take a free SAT at Mundelein High School in the fall of 2020.
Will my student take Advanced Placement Exams this spring?
- Yes! For the 2019–20 exam administration only, students will take a 45-minute online free-response exam at home. There will NOT be any face-to-face exams this year. There will not be any multiple choice questions.
- Due to school closures, AP exams will only include topics and skills most AP teachers and students have already covered in class by early March. You can find the units that will be tested for each AP course on the AP Central website.
- The College Board will release additional information including the dates and logistical details for at home exams after April 3rd.
- Our recommendation is that students wait until the College Board releases additional information on April 3rd before making any decisions. regarding their AP exams. Students will have the option of canceling their exam(s), and the College Board will waive the $40.00/exam cancellation fee.
Días de aprendizaje electrónico del Distrito 120 - Cierres escolares COVID-19
Preguntas frecuentes para padres y estudiantes
Consulte nuestra página web de eLearning o envíenos un correo electrónico a con cualquier pregunta sobre el cierre de nuestra escuela.
¿Cómo se tomará la asistencia de mi estudiante?
- Todos los estudiantes son considerados "Presentes" durante el cierre actual (ISBE 29/03/2020)
¿Cómo sabrá mi estudiante qué tareas hacer cada semana?
- Los lunes por la mañana, los maestros enviarán un correo electrónico a los estudiantes y a los padres antes de las 9:00 a.m.
- Los maestros explicarán las tareas de la semana o identificarán la ubicación donde los estudiantes pueden encontrar las tareas (Canvas, Google aula, etc.). El eLearning semanal incluirá 2-3 tareas más cortas o 1 tarea más larga. Las tareas deben tomar a los estudiantes un promedio de 30 minutos para completar por curso, por día. No se asignarán "tareas" adicionales.
- Los maestros proporcionarán las fechas de vencimiento de las tareas en su comunicación con los estudiantes y los padres.
- En el correo electrónico cada semana, los maestros compartirán los horarios durante el día en que estarán disponibles de inmediato. Además, los maestros revisarán el correo electrónico periódicamente durante el día escolar (7: 45-3: 25).
¿Cuáles son las expectativas de mi estudiante?
- La expectativa del distrito es que los estudiantes, en la medida de lo posible, deben hacer esfuerzos de buena fe para participar en su trabajo escolar durante el cierre. Se requiere completar las tareas de eLearning para obtener crédito del curso.
- Se espera que los estudiantes completen y presenten las tareas de eLearning cada semana a sus maestros en las fechas de vencimiento previstas. Las fechas de vencimiento pueden extenderse para estudiantes con circunstancias atenuantes o IEP y planes 504.
- Los estudiantes recibirán comentarios de sus maestros sobre esas tareas.
- Las tareas de eLearning se registrarán en Powerschool para que los padres y los estudiantes puedan seguir el progreso académico durante el cierre de nuestra escuela.
¿Mi estudiante tiene que estar en línea y completar las tareas de eLearning durante las horas del día escolar tradicional (7:45 am-3: 05 pm)
- No. En la medida de lo posible, los estudiantes deben iniciar sesión en el correo electrónico de su escuela todos los días, pero no están obligados a estar en línea para ningún curso en particular a una hora específica del día. Los estudiantes pueden trabajar a su propio ritmo y en cualquier momento del día, mientras envían las tareas en las fechas de vencimiento proporcionadas por sus maestros. Los maestros pueden proporcionar instrucción en vivo para los estudiantes durante el cierre de la escuela, pero esa instrucción se grabará y se pondrá a disposición de los estudiantes en un momento posterior.
Nuevo¿Cómo funcionará el sistema de calificaciones durante el cierre de la escuela?
- La calificación actual del estudiante en un curso a partir de nuestro último día de asistencia a la escuela (13 de marzo) se mantendrá, o puede mejorarse, siempre que el estudiante demuestre compromiso y habilidad continuos a un nivel aprobatorio después de la transición a eLearning.
- Los maestros pueden ofrecer oportunidades para que los estudiantes recuperen el trabajo perdido para mejorar las calificaciones obtenidas antes de la fecha de cierre de la escuela del 13 de marzo. Esta es otra forma en que los estudiantes pueden trabajar para mejorar sus calificaciones, además de completar las tareas de eLearning.
- Las tareas de eLearning que no hayan sido intentadas por los estudiantes aparecerán como trabajos faltantes (M) en Powerschool, no como cero. Los maestros y consejeros se comunicarán con los estudiantes y los padres para preguntarles por qué no han intentado completar sus tareas de eLearning.
Nuevo:¿Cómo se determinarán las calificaciones finales del segundo semestre?
- A los estudiantes que no realizan tareas completas de eLearning a un nivel aprobatorio se les puede asignar una calificación de incompleto. Una cantidad significativa de trabajo de eLearning no presentado podría resultar en una calificación de incompleto (I) hasta que el estudiante presente el trabajo de eLearning necesario a los maestros. Se requiere completar las tareas de eLearning para obtener crédito del curso durante el semestre.
- Los maestros compararán la calificación de la letra del estudiante al final del semestre con la calificación de la letra a partir del 13 de marzo de 2020. Si la calificación de la letra al final del semestre es menor, el maestro cambiará la calificación al grado del 13 de marzo, siempre que el estudiante ha participado en trabajos de eLearning. Si la calificación de la letra del final del semestre es igual o mejor, el estudiante recibirá esa calificación.
- Si la calificación de un estudiante es una "F" al final del semestre, la calificación se cambiará a incompleta. Se requerirá que estos estudiantes presenten tareas y evaluaciones a un nivel aprobatorio para recibir una calificación final para el curso.
- Los estudiantes pueden optar por convertir la calificación final de la letra del segundo semestre de un curso en un Pase (P) dentro de una semana de la emisión de las calificaciones del semestre. Una calificación de Pase (P) no afecta el GPA de un estudiante, pero sí otorga crédito por el curso. En la transcripción de la escuela secundaria del estudiante, el nombre del curso aparecerá con una "P" para aprobar. Proporcionaremos más comunicación sobre cómo elegir esta opción en una fecha posterior.
Nuevo:¿Cómo afecta el cierre de la escuela a mi estudiante senior para graduarse?
- Para obtener un diploma de Mundelein High School, los estudiantes deben completar todos los requisitos de graduación de MHS.
- Las calificaciones de los estudiantes senior a partir del 13 de marzo se mantendrán o podrán mejorarse durante los días de eLearning.
- Los estudiantes senior pueden trabajar con sus maestros para rehacer o reevaluar el trabajo completado el 13 de marzo o antes.
- Alentamos a los estudiantes a continuar participando en el trabajo de eLearning. Las calificaciones de estas tareas y evaluaciones pueden ayudar a mejorar la calificación general del segundo semestre.
- Los estudiantes senior que estaban reprobando un curso de graduación requerido a partir del 13 de marzo deben trabajar con su maestro y consejero para presentar el trabajo del curso a un nivel aprobatorio.
¿Qué pasa si la tecnología de mi estudiante no funciona?
- Envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro Departamento de Tecnología a
- Los estudiantes o padres también pueden comunicarse con nuestro correo electrónico de cierre de la escuela en
Mi hijo tiene un IEP, 504 u otros servicios relacionados. ¿Cómo recibirán su alojamiento?
- Los maestros harán las modificaciones necesarias para apoyar a los estudiantes que necesitan experiencias de aprendizaje alternativas o apoyo adicional para el trabajo del curso de eLearning.
- Se puede contactar a Jamie DiCarlo, asistente del superintendente de servicios estudiantiles (, o Kim Goldberg, presidente del departamento de educación especial ( para hacer preguntas sobre las adaptaciones.
¿Cómo afecta el cierre de la escuela a la educación vial?
- Según la Junta de Educación del Estado de IL, la parte del aula de un programa de educación vial puede completarse a través de eLearning, pero las 6 horas al volante de los programas de educación vial deben suspenderse durante el cierre obligatorio de la escuela del Gobernador, ya que las escuelas están cerrado a la instrucción en el sitio.
¿Mi estudiante tomará los exámenes de primavera SAT o PSAT?
- No, la administración del examen SAT y PSAT programada para abril está cancelada. Los estudiantes de tercer año actuales tomarán un SAT gratis en Mundelein High School en el otoño de 2020.
¿Mi estudiante tomará exámenes de colocación avanzada esta primavera?
- ¡Si! Solo para la administración del examen 2019-20, los estudiantes tomarán un examen de respuesta gratuita en línea de 45 minutos en casa. NO habrá exámenes presenciales este año. No habrá preguntas de opción múltiple.
- Debido al cierre de las escuelas, los exámenes AP solo incluirán temas y habilidades que la mayoría de los maestros y estudiantes de AP ya han cubierto en clase a principios de marzo. Puede encontrar las unidades que se evaluarán para cada curso AP en el sitio web de AP Central.
- El College Board dará a conocer información adicional que incluye las fechas y los detalles logísticos para los exámenes en el hogar después del 3 de abril.
- Nuestra recomendación es que los estudiantes esperen hasta que el College Board publique información adicional el 3 de abril antes de tomar cualquier decisión. con respecto a sus exámenes AP. Los estudiantes tendrán la opción de cancelar sus exámenes, y el College Board renunciará a la tarifa de cancelación de $40.00 / examen.
Dear students and families,
With the end of Spring Break, MHS has begun eLearning in earnest this week. The building administration and faculty have been working each day to help clarify and create structure to classes from the guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education. I wish to encourage all students to create consistent routines around online learning.
With this, many students and parents are asking about end of the year events. Until we hear more from the governor regarding the length of the school closure, we will not make any hard and fast decisions regarding any end of the year events. There are many different events of concern: spring athletics including senior recognitions in each sport, the musical, band and choir concerts, prom, specific course events, senior honors ceremony, and graduation to name a handful. Certainly, each of these events are important to the students involved and the fabric of the entire school. As an example, it was devastating to our players, student body and parents when the IHSA cancelled the boys basketball sectional playoff games earlier this month. Therefore, any decisions regarding whether these end of the year events will be held, rescheduled or cancelled will weigh heavily on our hearts and minds.
At this time the only update I can provide is regarding prom. With the governor’s executive order of March 16, no gatherings over 50 people could be held for the following 8 weeks. The expiration of this executive order is May 11, after the MHS prom date. Therefore, our prom venue, The Lincolnshire Marriott, informed MHS that the current prom date was cancelled. The Marriott did offer other May dates, however, no plans have been solidified until more is known regarding the remainder of the school year.
During the next two weeks, the building administration will be reviewing options for each end of the year event (graduation, prom, senior honors night) in light of the different considerations. As we hold these discussions, our first objective is to hold the event if at all possible. If the event is not able to be held, our goal is to hold a type of virtual event if appropriate and/or possible. Students and parents will receive follow up emails from me regarding these considerations in the weeks to come. Stay connected by reading all MHS email communications and reviewing the MHS website periodically.
Stay healthy,
Dr. Anthony Kroll
NOTICE: Remote learning via Zoom and/or Google Hangouts may include the audio and video recording of those who participate. The recording will only be used by the District for future instruction.
Friday Message From the Superintendent:
Sunday signals the end of Spring Break and we know that our students are looking forward to continuing their e-Learning experiences with their teachers. As of now, these daily lessons will continue through Monday, April 6 but the Governor of Illinois may extend the Stay at Home order beyond that date. However long the order lasts, education will continue through e-Learning.
Gathering in Groups
The Mundelein Police Department needs your help during this difficult time. We have received a significant increase in complaints regarding violations of the Governor Pritzker’s Executive order to not congregate in groups and to practice social distancing. We still see our youth gathering in parks and in groups, which is a direct violation of the shelter in place order and social distancing. We are in this together and everyone needs to do their part by complying with the Governor’s order. Please stop gathering. It is time to take this seriously. The parks may be used for individual exercise, but group activities of any kind will be dispersed. We are asking for the community’s help as enforcement is not our preferred method.
Lunch Box Distribution – Donations Needed
Mundelein School Districts 75 and 120 have teamed up to provide food to families in need during this time. In addition to providing remote lunch and breakfast meal service at select locations on certain dates, the districts are preparing food boxes for families in need. Thanks to the generous donations of those in our community, the districts have been able to provide two deliveries to families with children in the Mundelein and neighboring school districts of 73, 75, 76, 79 and 120. The next delivery is scheduled for April 5. Donations are needed for this upcoming distribution date. Items needed include: toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothpaste), feminine products, baby wipes, diapers, cleaning spray/cleaning wipes, macaroni and cheese, pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, jelly, tortillas, canned meats, canned vegetables, canned fruit applesauce, fruit snacks, granola bars, rice, beans (dry or canned) and condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise. Gift cards in ten dollar increments to stores such as Jewel, Mariano’s, Aldi and Target are also accepted. Donations can be dropped off at any time at The Chapel in Mundelein, at 1966 W. Hawley Street. There are weatherproof bins at the front of the entrance for donations. Donations for this distribution need to be received by Saturday, April 4 at 9 am.
Weekly Meal Distribution Four Days a Week
Districts 75 and 120 will continue to provide FREE meals - BREAKFAST and LUNCH!
Starting the week of Monday, March 30, meals will be served Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 12 noon to 1 pm. All children 18 and under are eligible for free meals. Locations are: Embassy Apartments - Orchard ST & Shaddle ST; Washington Apartments - located at 900 & 1000 E Orchard ST; Dolphin Apartments - located at McKinley AV & Prospect AV; Deepwood Apartments - located at Lake ST & Walnut ST; and Lake Apartments - located at Lake ST & Hammond ST (across from the Mundelein Police Department).
2020 Census Reminder:
We are now able to complete the Census information online. By doing so, no one will come to our homes so the online method is by far the easiest method for doing this. It is extremely important to complete the Census as it determines funding for statewide programs as well as congressional district assignments. Everyone should receive Census information in the mail. Forms are available online as well at and
Stay tuned for regular updates from the District each Friday and any special news that might come up in between.
Kevin Myers, PhD
Districts 75/120

Friday Message from the Superintendent
To Our District 120 Families:
The Governor of Illinois has just issued a Stay at Home order through Tuesday, April 7. This means the school will be closed through April 7.
Thank you students, parents and staff. We are completing the first week of our “new normal” and appreciate that everyone is staying focused, connected and positive as we work through this difficult time.
At the close of this email, please see a listing of available Hot Spots for WiFi usage.
I am happy to tell you that our e-Learning is going well and it is great to see our students and teachers continuing to work together and under very unique circumstances. I applaud everyone for their cooperation and enthusiasm for continuing the educational process. Of course there will be some minor “bumps in the road” as we work through this, but overall, I couldn’t be more pleased. For updated in formation and tips from Dr. Jessica Herrmann, systems of support coordinator, please visit the D120 website at Be confident that the staff and administration of District 120 are working hard every day to be sure that our students are progressing through their learning processes.
Next week is the scheduled Spring Break week. As such, the high school building will be closed. Food deliveries will take place on Tuesday, March 24 and Thursday, March 26 from 12 noon to 1:30 pm. All children 18 and under are eligible for free meals. They can be from any area school, but must be present to receive lunch. The locations are:
- Embassy Apartments, Orchard ST and Shaddle ST
- Washington Apartments, 900 and 1000 E Orchard ST
- Dolphin Apartments, McKinley AV and Prospect AV
- Deepwoods Apartments, Lake ST and Walnut ST
Please continue to visit our website at often for the most recent information.
2020 Census: We are now able to complete the Census information online. By doing so, no one will come to our homes so the online method is by far the easiest method for doing this. It is extremely important to complete the Census as it determines funding for statewide programs as well as congressional district assignments. Everyone should receive Census information in the mail. Forms are available online as well at and
Stay tuned for regular updates from the District. In the meantime, stay strong, stay positive and we WILL get through this together.
Kevin Myers, PhD
Superintendent, Districts 75/120
Wifi Hotspot Locations
Dr. Jessica Herrmann, Systems of Support Coordinator
In this time of change and uncertainty, it is common for all of us to feel some anxiety, fear, frustration, and confusion. In these times, it is important to remember that children, even teenagers, look to adults for guidance on how to react and cope during stressful events. Please do your best to reassure students that health and school officials are working hard to ensure that people throughout our country stay healthy and safe.
Though our daily lives are disrupted in many ways right now, there remains a great deal within our control. Encourage students to focus on what they can do to keep themselves healthy: get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and exercise! In addition, be sure to take our health officials’ recommendations seriously. Stay home as much as possible, wash your hands, and avoid touching your face.
While we take these efforts to take care of ourselves physically, we all need to be diligent about taking care of our mental health as well. Encourage your children to do things that help them relax, such as deep breathing, stretching, meditating, journaling, reading, exercising, or listening to music. In addition, encourage them to stay connected to friends and family and people who care about them. Though we cannot connect in person as much as we would like, we can stay connected virtually.
The overall health and wellbeing of our students and families is of utmost importance. As part of our commitment to wellbeing, Mundelein High School is sharing the resources listed below. Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and understanding as we navigate these challenging times together.
Padres: From Dr. Jessica Herrmann, Systems of Support Coordinator
En este momento de cambio, es común para todos nosotros sentir ansiedad, miedo, frustración y confusión. En estos tiempos, es importante recordar que los niños, incluso los adolescentes, buscan en los adultos sobre cómo reaccionar y sobrellevar situaciones estresantes. Haga todo lo posible para asegurar a los estudiantes que los oficiales de salud y escolares están trabajando arduamente para garantizar que las personas en todo el país se mantengan sanas y seguras.
Aunque nuestra vida diaria se ve interrumpida de muchas maneras en este momento, queda mucho por hacer bajo nuestro control. Anime a los estudiantes a concentrarse en lo que pueden hacer para mantenerse saludables: ¡duerma lo suficiente, coma alimentos saludables, beba mucha agua y haga ejercicio! Además, asegúrese de tomar en serio las recomendaciones de nuestros funcionarios de salud. Quédese en casa tanto como sea posible, lávese las manos y evite tocarse la cara.
Mientras nos cuidamos físicamente, también debemos ser diligentes para cuidar nuestra salud mental. Anime a sus hijos a hacer cosas que los ayuden a relajarse, como respirar profundamente, estirarse, meditar, escribir en un diario, leer, hacer ejercicio o escuchar música. Además, deben mantenerse conectados con amigos, familiares y personas que se preocupan por ellos. Aunque no podemos conectarnos en persona tanto como quisiéramos, podemos permanecer conectados virtualmente.
La salud y el bienestar general de nuestros estudiantes y familias es de suma importancia. Como parte de nuestro compromiso con el bienestar, Mundelein High School está compartiendo los siguientes recursos. Gracias por su paciencia, flexibilidad, y comprensión mientras navegamos juntos por estos tiempos difíciles.
What is the status of e-Learning for MHS students?
- MHS is using e-Learning for students and staff throughout the time away from school.
- Continued academic experiences will help prevent “Gap Time.”
- The goal of e-Learning is to make each day valuable … a day for students to experience continued academic growth.
- Regular communication between students and teachers, through e-Learning, will keep teaching and learning alive during the time away from school.
Originally, Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17 were scheduled as emergency days that would have to be made up at the end of the school year. Wednesday, March 18 through Friday, March 20 and also March 30 were scheduled as e-Learning days. E-Learning days are considered instructional school days that do not have to be made up at the end of the year. Recently, the IL Governor issued mandatory school closings beginning March 17 with plans to reopen March 31. These days are considered Act of God days which do not count as actual school days and do not have to be made up at a later time.
Mundelein High School is committed to the well-being and growth of our students. Therefore, we will continue to provide our students with meaningful academic experiences so they do not have any disruption to their education. Teachers will continue to email assignments to students and provide feedback to them during the school closure. We encourage families to do their best to encourage students to complete the work sent by their teachers via email so that their education continues during this time away from school.
Please contact MHS administration at with any questions about the e-Learning process.
What is happening with scheduled SAT testing?
- The College Board has cancelled the May 2, 2020 SAT exam. Makeup exams for the March 14 test, scheduled to take place March 28 are also cancelled. Registered students will receive refunds.
- The College Board will provide future additional SAT testing dates for students as soon as possible in place of the cancelled tests. The June 6, 2020 SAT exam has not as yet been cancelled but will continue to be evaluated based on what is happening with the COVID-19 virus.
- Coming Soon: The College Board is working with local partners about weekday, school-based testing this spring for the SAT, PSAT, PSAT 10 and PSAT 8/9
- To help students keep their college readiness skills sharp while many schools are closed, the College Board and Khan Academy will continue to provide free resources online including full-length practice tests and personalized learning tools. That information is available at
And what about AP testing?
- The AP Program is finalizing streamlined AP Exam options that would be available sometime in May. They are working to give every AP student the opportunity to claim the college credit they’ve earned.
- The AP Program will communicate the details of these additional solutions to educators and students later this month. Click here for the latest information:
- The College Board will remain focused on student safety and ensuring all students have the tools they need to work, and opportunities to receive the credit they have earned, during this challenging time.
MHS Families,
Building Access
Beginning Tuesday, March 17, Mundelein High School will be closed to visitors,and students.. If a need arises, students would need to email building administration for permission and a scheduled time to come to the building. Requests should be sent to
The Governor of Illinois has declared the days away from school as “Act of God” (AOG) days and will not need to be made up at the end of the school year. This situation could change at any time. With AOG days, no e-Learning on the part of students or teachers is required, but it IS encouraged. Nothing assigned on AOG days will be graded or calculated into the overall letter grade. We will NOT be taking student attendance during this AOG period. “The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is encouraging all school districts to provide learning opportunities for all students, through whatever means possible.” We would like to continue to provide our students with academic experiences so they do not experience disrupted education.
Food Distribution during the school shutdown:
Districts 75 and 120 will provide FREE lunches for students. Food will be distributed to students Wednesday through Friday this week. It will be delivered twice during spring break. This will include a bag lunch and beverage.
- Wednesday through Friday between noon and 1:30 pm.and during Spring Break Week on Tuesday, March 24 and Thursday, March 26 at the same times and locations.
- All children 18 and under are eligible for free meals.
- Students can be from any area school, but must be present to receive lunch.
Volunteers will deliver lunches at the following locations:
Location 1
- Embassy Apartments - located at Orchard St. & Shaddle St.
- Washington Apartments - located at 900 & 1000 E Orchard St.
Location 2
- Dolphin Apartments - located at McKinley Ave. & Prospect Ave.
Location 3
- Deepwood Apartments- located at Lake St. & Walnut St.
Please know that any of this information may change due to the governor’s decree or a change in circumstances. We encourage you to stay safe, stay informed and stay healthy.
Dr. Kevin Myers, Superintendent
D120 Family Notice:
Due to continued concerns about the COVID-19 virus, Mundelein High School District 120 will join the majority of Lake County schools that are closing at the end of the day today. School will be closed for the next two weeks (the second week being the scheduled Spring Break vacation). The return date has not yet been established but you will be kept informed.
The first two days, Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17, will be considered “Emergency Days” which will need to be made up before the end of the school year. If students need to pick up any additional materials, they may do so between 10 am and noon on Monday. No eLearning activities need to take place on those two days. Additional days, beginning Wednesday, March 18, will involve eLearning activities. Students will need to be in touch with their teachers through Canvas or Google Classroom to complete their school work. The building will be open until 4 pm today in case things need to be picked up.
When schools are closed, IEP meetings are also cancelled and will be rescheduled for a different time when school is open.
There will be no athletic or extracurricular activities during the next two weeks. Families will be kept informed of any new information as the next two weeks progress. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak and make a decision by Friday, March 27, about resuming classes or extending eLearning days.
To our Mundelein District 120 Families:
The COVID-19 Virus has been declared a national pandemic. We are taking necessary precautions to protect our students, staff and community. We will follow the Lake County Health Department and the Center for Disease Control’s guidance and direct recommendations when considering any cancellations. At this time, our public health officials have recommended that we cancel all non-essential activities.
We are taking many proactive steps to maintain a healthy indoor environment.
- Our custodians have been disinfecting higher use areas in addition to their normal nighttime routines. An example - the weight room, staff workout room, and handrails were disinfected. The cafeteria tables, serving lines, media center, main office, and nurse's office will be disinfected over the weekend.
- We are in constant contact with our custodial services vendor to ensure our methods and materials are exceeding industry standards.
- Additional outside air is being drawn in periodically via our mechanical systems. This will help increase air turnover.
We also know that Spring Break is coming up soon and many families may have scheduled upcoming trips during this time. If your family is planning on taking a trip to a Level 2 or Level 3 country, we ask that you please contact your school’s principal to communicate your plans. For the safety of everyone, we request that you please adhere to the CDC’s guidance related to travel. To view an interactive map that shows current global travel advisory levels, please visit the following Department of State website.
We are also prepared to close the school and provide eLearning opportunities should that become necessary. This form of online education was approved by the D120 Board of Education last fall. We will keep you updated on the possibility of using this form of temporary education.
PARENTS: Please encourage your children to take their Chromebooks home with them every evening to ensure that they will have them available should school be closed.
We will continue to follow the guidance and direct recommendations of the Lake County Health Department, the Illinois Department of Public Health, and the Center for Disease Control when considering any cancellations.
In the meantime, we would like to remind you of these basic steps that everyone should be taking to minimize the spread of this and any respiratory illness:
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
As always, the safety and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff, remain our top priority. Thank you for your continued help in assisting with this process.
The following activities/events are changed:
- Robotics Competition has been canceled; no make-up date has been scheduled
- Baseball/Softball Spring Break trip to Tennessee is now cancelled
- Mundelein Invitational Jazz Festival for Saturday, March 14, is cancelled
- All athletic/activity banquets are cancelled starting with tonight, March 12, 2020
- All activities are cancelled that involve outside organizations like Kirk Players, Feeder Schools, etc.
- Boys/Girls Water Polo contests set for tonight are cancelled at home and at Buffalo Grove High School
- The NHS St. Patrick Day Dance at Dunbar Center in Mundelein set for Friday, March 13 is cancelled
- Athletic competitions are still on but the number of spectators may be limited
- Winter Guard Spring Break trip is cancelled for Sunday
- All field trips for next week are cancelled
We will continue to update our information when necessary. At this point, Mundelein High School has no known cases of COVID-19.
Dr. Kevin Myers, Superintendent
Dr. Anthony Kroll, Principal