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Illinois Youth Survey February 28

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
All Day Event

On February 28, 2024, MHS will administer the Illinois Youth Survey (IYS) to 10th and 12th graders. The purpose of the IYS is to better understand Illinois youth risk and protective behaviors as they relate to students and their success. 

The survey will ask about topics including nutrition, physical activity, bullying, dating violence, substance use, school climate, and screen time. Students will be asked to complete a survey (with no names or identification numbers) that will be confidentially administered during Physical Wellness, Band, or Show Choir classes. The survey is completely voluntary and privacy will be strictly protected.  Students will complete the survey using their Chromebooks.  

If you do not want your student to participate in the survey, please review and complete the attached “Parent Opt-Out,” letter and return via email to Stevee Libert, Assistant Principal of Student Life (, or drop off to the MHS main office prior to February 27, 2024.

To learn more about the IYS, please visit the links below, which also contain the opt-out information. Paper copies of this information are available in the main office at MHS. Your student may pick one up at any time.