Front Entrance of MHS

Graduation Seating Chart

Graduation Seating Arranger

Byte Club: Start Right

Graduation seating arranger

Updates (4/24/22):

  • Added support for special education students and their aides to be seated together.
  • IDs are now included after each student.

Updates (2/19/18):

  • Fixed bug involving non-walking students
  • Further deprecated Summa support.

Updates (3/1/17):

  • Alphabetical order is carried across each row per request.
  • Number of rows is automatically calculated and used to create the tables.
  • To improve readability and flexibility, the two sides of the seating arrangement are now separate tables.

Instructions (updated 4/24/22):

  • Copy directly from an Excel workbook with the following format:
    • Last Name First Name ID Special Education
      Student Sally 000000
      Sample Ima 11111 SP
  • Press 'Try it' to arrange seating.
  • The left and right sides of the seating block will be created as separate tables.
  • Copy and paste to whatever formatting program you like!
Rows after:

Columns on each side: