Welcome Future Mustang
Class of 2024
In order to aid in the transition between Eighth Grade and Ninth Grade year, Mundelein High School has created the following three events for incoming families to attend. Please join us to learn what MHS is all about and to select your courses for next school year.
Meet the Mustangs: 8th Grade Welcome Night :
Monday, October 28th, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
The goal of this event is to introduce families to MHS and provide initial exposure to the building, students and programs.
Learn about the latest and greatest at MHS
- Take a building tour
- Sign up to shadow a current MHS student
- Ask questions you have about the MHS experience
- Find out how to make your elective course selections
Upcoming Events:
HallowSTEAM: Grades K-8 Science and Art event with MHS teachers
Tuesday, October 29, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Experience an evening of ghoulish and slimy experiments, epic egg drops, slithering creatures, raging robots, art design and more!
Detailed information regarding the following two events will be mailed home at a later date:
- Class of 2024 Night : Thursday, January 16th, 2020
- New Parent/Transfer Parent Meeting : August 2020
More information here.
En orden para ayudar la transición entre el octavo grado y el primer año de High School, Mundelein High School ha creado los siguientes tres eventos para que las familias entrantes asistan. Únase a
nosotros para conocer de qué se trata MHS y para seleccionar sus cursos para el próximo año escolar.
Conoce a los Mustangs: Noche de Bienvenida del 8º Grado:
Lunes 28 de octubre de 2019 @6:30 pm
Meta: presentar a las familias a MHS y proporcionar una exhibición inicial a los edificios, estudiantes y programas.
- Aprenda sobre lo último y lo mejor en MHS
- Haga un recorrido del edificio
- Regístrese para seguir a un estudiante actual de MHS
- Haga preguntas que tenga sobre la experiencia en MHS
- Descubra cómo hacer sus selecciones de cursos electives
Próximos Eventos:
HallowSTEAM: Martes, 29 de octubre @ 6:00 pm
Experience una noche de experimentos macabros , caida de huevo épicas, criaturas deslizantes, robots furiosos, diseño de arte y más!
Detailed information regarding the following two events will be mailed home at a later date:
- Noche de clase de 2024: Jueves 16 de enero de 2020
- Reunión de padres nuevos / padres transferidos: Agosto de 2020
More information here.