Front Entrance of MHS

How You Can Help


Through your donations, the Foundation can enrich education at Mundelein High School by: 

  • Providing teachers with tools to enhance the educational experience
  • Providing a special opportunity for promoting our students to compete in the world economy
  • Providing scholarships to deserving students to offset expenses for college or training after graduation

Enriching student education is simple to do. You can make a difference!

Your donation, whatever amount, is tax deductible. Just print and mail in the donation form and we will take care of the rest. 

Donation Form


The MHS Foundation accepts donations in several ways:

Donation Type Funding Descripton
Discretionary Funding

Donor provides funding to the Foundation that can be applied toward prioritized needs identified by the MHS Foundation Board that focus on education and learning experiences.

Designated Funding Donor determines a school curricular area to donate funds. Application grant requests are submitted by educators to the Foundation Board for funding consideration.

Special Projects Funding

Donor(s), in agreement with the Foundation and School Board, will collaborate on specific education projects that can range from a unique learning opportunity, classroom equipment or facility enhancements.
Endowment Trust The Mundelein High School Foundation has established an endowment trust fund in order to provide for future needs of the Mundelein High School District. Interest earned by the trust's principle will be used to make purchases which enrich classroom learning opportunities and experiences. Gifts to the endowment trust are left intact; only the interest earned on the gift will be used. The donor may specify that the donation be wholly or partially invested in the Endowment Trust.
Matching Funding Donor(s) who are employed by an organization or corporation that offers matching donations for not-for-profit organizations may choose this option.