Investigator Tom Poynor of the Mundelein Police Department spent 90 minutes with the students in Mary Plucinski’s Criminal Law class on Feb. 7 as part of a partnership that will span several weeks. Investigator Poynor discussed the fourth and fifth amendments which deal with search and seizure as well as the rights of the accused. He used several media to work with the students including traffic stops and searches where he himself was the officer making the stops. Students asked many questions about the information presented and even about careers in law enforcement. They gave him an unsolicited loud round of applause at the conclusion of the presentation. The students will use the information that Poynor presented to help them prepare for their participation in a Moot Court about fourth amendment procedures.
On Feb. 16 Officer Chris Callas, who served four years as the MHS school resource officer, will return to MHS to discuss arrest procedures in Plucinski’s class. Additional talks by Mundelein police officers are also being scheduled.
“Having experienced officers answer the students’ question helps teach material to our students with a unique combination of ‘textbook’ and ‘street knowledge,’ ”Plucinski said.