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Mundelein Theatre Presents Shakespeare's Scottish Play


Be prepared to step into the shadowy world of one of William Shakespeare’s most iconic and haunting plays, as Mundelein Theatre presents Macbeth.

Filled with supernatural spirits, chilling intrigue, and a ruthless descent into ambition, this timeless tragedy grips audiences like no other. But beware—theater lore whispers that Macbeth carries a curse, so utter its name with care.

The performances will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday through Saturday, Jan. 30 - Feb. 1 at 7:30 pm., at 3:45 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31 and at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1.

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. The Friday matinee performance is only $2 for MHS students. Tickets can be purchased online at Tickets will also be on sale at the door, 30 minutes prior to each performance (cash or check only).

All performances will be held at Mundelein High School, 1350 W. Hawley St. The play is being staged with the audience sitting on the stage with the performers in a 170-seat thrust configuration.

“We are setting the play in its traditional 11th-century Scotland,” Director Jonathan Meier said. “But we have added a couple of wrinkles that let us put our stamp on the show.”

In casting the show, Meier ignored all gender conventions, which has resulted in some non-conventional casting, including the title character. Additionally, the show will be performed with a percussion score, composed and played live at each performance by composer Holden Meier, with the assistance of MHS student Stevie Bero.

Senior Parker Dumalski (Macbeth) and junior Vesta Albano (Lady Macbeth) lead the cast of 19, with some actors taking on two or three different roles. The witches are portrayed by seniors Lia Kagan, Mia Joshi, and Sydney Olorvida.

Also in the cast are seniors Alex Benassi (Banquo), Arlo Fingerhut (Duncan), Achilles Kim (Macduff), and Graham Ney (Ross). Rounding out the cast are Roman Aidikonis, Olivia Catchot, Harley DiMarcantonio, Andy Gallup, Hayden Gates, Mylo Madrigan, Kelly McQuillan, Miranda Michler, Zoe Schoppe, and Grace Wolinski. The stage manager is Aedan Hogan and the assistant directors are Mariana Van Eycke and Makenna Wald.

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