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Incident Report Form

Incident Report Form

The form below is provided for you to inform MHS about any situation regarding bullying, harassment, or other concerns you may be involved in or know information about. These incidents may apply to you as a victim or a witness. They can occur in school, out of school, or through technology/electronic communication. 

You may submit information anonymously however, please know we can take action to best support you if we know who you are. 

If this is an emergency, dial 911. Do not submit this form in case of emergency. An emergency is a situation in which your well-being or safety is immediately at risk. 

Examples of bullying/cyber-bullying or sexual harassment:

  • Someone is threatening to beat you up either in person or through technology/electronic communication
  • Someone is taking something of yours without your permission
  • Someone is spreading rumors about you or your family, either in person or through technology/electronic communication
  • Someone is embarrassing you in front of others by either calling you names or doing something to you, either in person or through technology/electronic communication
  • Someone is telling other kids not to talk to you or be friends with you, either in person or through technology/electronic communication
  • Someone continues to shove into you in the halls and says it is always an accident
  • Someone is sexually harassing you 
  • Following you around, whistling at you, making comments about your body or doing something to your body, touching you inappropriately, etc., either in person or through technology/electronic communication

If you have a concern regarding student climate and experience, please reach out directly to Stevee Libert, Assistant Principal of Student Life (

Your student support team should be your first stop to report concerns. Click HERE to learn who your support team is and how to contact them.  

Examples of what you can submit to this form:

  • Incidents of bullying
  • Incidents of harassment
  • Other non-life or safety-threatening concerns


Please provide as much information as you can so that the problem can be addressed directly. The information will be sent to the dean's office, and if necessary, they will notify the appropriate personnel.

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